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The time of validity of a contract. This is the most recurrent way of rewarding a grantor of a licence;

b) lump sum payments (single payments) which are determined according to the experts’ estimation.

Franchising is a contractual arrangement under which an independent franchisee produces or

Sells a product or service under the brand name of the franchiser and to his specifications and with

Marketing and other support. The franchisee pays a royalty to the franchiser and may purchase

Supplies from him. The franchisee provides his own capital and is legally an independent enterprise

Which is none the less highly dependent upon the franchiser, though many small businesses, say,

With a high proportion of sales to a single customer, may enjoy no greater degree of independence

Than many franchised enterprises. Franchising is growing rapidly in the UK but is less important

Than in the USA, where it accounts for over one-third of retail turnover. Examples of franchised

Operations are filling-stations and various fast-food outlets.

Engineering is a complex of services in the design, construction and control of production enterprises,

Electric power plants, objects of infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.). Engineering is a

Practical application of scientific knowledge. This kind of services has scaled up greatly over the

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 190 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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