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It is also usual to take into account a national export of capital, mainly as international loans,

And a private export of capital (large industrial companies, transcontinental corporations, commercial

Banks), mainly as loans (lending).

Foreign direct investment. Foreign investment that establishes a lasting interest in or effective

Management control over an enterprise. Foreign direct investment can include buying shares of an

Enterprise in another country, reinvesting earnings of a foreign — owned enterprise in the country

Where it is located, and parent firms extending loans to their foreign affiliates. International Monetary

Fund (IMF) guidelines consider an investment to be a foreign direct investment if it accounts

for at least 10 percent of the foreign firm’s voting stock of shares. However, many countries set a

Higher threshold because 10 percent is often not enough to establish effective management control

of a company or demonstrate an investor's lasting interest.

Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) is a category of investment instruments that are more easily

Traded, may be less permanent, and do not represent a controlling stake in an enterprise.

These include investments via equity instruments (stocks) or debt (bonds) of a foreign enterprise

That does not necessarily represent a long-term interest.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 178 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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