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Importing a product

C) These tariffs promote competitiveness and force importers to reduce prices for their goods.

4. Import quotas specify the maximum amounts of commodities which may be imported in any period

of time. What does the imposing of low import quotas lead to?

A) The imposing of low import quotas promotes the increase of competitiveness of the goods of

Local firms.

B) Importers usually neglect these import quotas.

C) Import quotas are more effective in retarding international commerce than are tariffs, while

Low quotas reduce import of goods to the minimum.

5. By nontariff barriers we mean licensing requirements and other technical and customs procedures.

What can the restricting of issuance of licenses lead to?

a) The situation with imports of goods won’t change, practically. Japan and the European countries

Serve an example.

B) By restricting the issuance of licenses, imports can be effectively limited. Just in this way

European countries acted having prohibited the import of corn in 2002.

C) It is becoming more difficult to reduce the issuance of licenses, and many countries stopped

Using this method.

6. Voluntary export restrictions are a relatively new form of trade barrier.

A) Exporters do not agree to voluntary export restrictions and are not afraid of stringent trade

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 184 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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