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Adjectives made from verbs

2.17 –able Make adjectives ending in able from the following verbs, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

change / advise / accept / suit / adjust / read / enjoy / cure / regret / agree / break / depend

1 It’s _______ to book early, but not essential.

2 English weather is very ________. It’s often different from day to day.

3 I t was a ________ mistake. I am very sorry.

4 Is 6.30 a ________ time, or is it too early?

5 He’s a very ________ boy. You can rely on him.

6 Pack them carefully. They’re ________.

7 You’ll like it. It’s a very _______ book.

8 You can raise the microphone or lower it. It’s ________.

9 Thank you for a very ________ evening. We had a lovely time.

10 We regret that late applications are not ________.

11 We’ll meet at 8 if you are all ________.

12 Fortunately the cancer was _________ and he is now well again.

2.18 –ive Make adjectives ending in ive from the following verbs, making any necessary spelling changes, then put them in their correct places in the sentences below.

destroy / attract / produce / inform / deceive / decide / appreciate / protect / create / talk

1 He was very ________ of all I had done for him.

2 The factory has been more ________ since we bought new automatic machines.

3 His appearance is ________. He’s older than he looks.

4 Nuclear weapons are terribly ________.

5 His lecture was very _______. We learnt a lot.

6 She’s very ________. She paints, makes sculpture and designs textiles.

7 She’s a very _______ girl. Men always like her.

8 She was very ________. She told me all about herself and her family.

9 Firemen wear ________ clothing, otherwise they would get burnt.

10 He’s not afraid to take action. He’s very ________.

2.19 In each space below put an adjective made from the verb in brackets below the phrase.

1 a ______ body (die)

2 a ______ book (bore)

3 an _____ car (economize)

4 a _______ neighbour (quarrel)

5 an ______ chapter (introduce)

6 an ______ film (entertain)

7 an ______ policeman (observe)

8 an ______ dog (obey)

9 a ______ district (reside)

10 a _______ fish (slip)

11 an _______ film (educate)

12 a ________ child (spoil)

13 a ________ cake (stick)

14 an _______ leaflet (explain)

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 467 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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