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Суффиксы, обозначающие абстрактные понятия, процессы, действия, качество или состояние

-ism hero герой heroism героизм
-ment to achieve достигать achievement достижение
-hood child ребенок childhood детство
-ship dictator диктатор dictatorship диктатура
-age to marry жениться, выходить замуж marriage брак, супружество
-al to arrive прибывать arrival прибытие
-ing to cross пересекаться crossing пересечение
-ence to differ различаться difference различие
-ency to depend зависеть dependency зависимость
-ance to resist сопротивляться resistance сопротивление
-tion to dictate диктовать dictation диктант
-sion to decide решать decision решение
- sion to permit разрешать permission разрешение
-dom king король kingdom королевство
-ness kind добрый kindness доброта
-ity real реальный действительный reality реальность действительность
-ancy constant постоянный constancy постоянство

1.1 Form nouns by means of the suffix – er / -or. Translate them.

Model: to work – worker (работать – рабочий)

to read, to lecture, to convert, to visit, to compose, to use, to teach, to support, to design, to dry, to ventilate, to heat, to inspect, to print, to translate, to generate, to act, to lead, credit, to drive, to interpret, to murder, to edit, to buy, to travel, to sail, to admire, to ski, to rob, to supply

1.2 –er / -ee

-er usually has an active meaning e.g. examiner (a person who sets an examination)

-ee usually has a passive meaning e.g. examinee (a person who takes an examination)

Put each of the following words in its correct place in the sentences below.

interviewer / trainer / employer / interviewee / trainee / employee

1 I was given a pay rise of £1,000 by my ________.

2 A football team normally has a ________ to keep the players fit.

3 A television ________ should always give the ________ a proper chance to express his or her opinions.

4 That company has 200 people working in its factory. My brother works there and I, too, am an ________.

5 At the moment he’s a management ________. If he’s successful, he’ll be given his first responsible position in January.

1.3 Form nouns by means of the suffix – ing. Translate them.

Model: to draw – draw ing

to read, to begin, to kidnap, to kill, to gather, to mean, to broadcast, to build, to coat

1.4 Form nouns by means of the suffix – ist. Translate them.

Model: telegraph – telegraph ist

special, social, geology, ecology, natural, style, cycle, strategy, physics, human, economy

1.5 –ist / -ian From the nouns below make other nouns describing people by adding ist or –ian to the end and making any other necessary spelling changes.

Model: Brazil – Brazil ian violin – violin ist

motor, electricity, Paris, piano, history, art, politics, economy, bicycle, journal, magic, science, comedy, flower, music, archaeology, tobacco, terror

1.6 Form nouns by means of the suffix – tion /-sion /-ssion. Translate them.

Model: to combine – combina tion

to inform, to divide, to decide, to convert, to construct, to interact, to collect, to penetrate, to gasify, to impress, to transmit, to permit, to express, to discuss

1.7 Form nouns by means of the suffix – ment. Translate them.

Model: to attach – attachment

to measure, to move, to treat, to state, to improve, to agree, to equip, to announce, to pronounce, to require

1.8 Form nouns by means of the suffix – ness. Translate them.

Model: black – blackness

thick, great, rough, guilt, bright, cold, exact, hard, effective

1.9 Define the root of the following words. Translate them.

Model: production - product

scientist, reporter, operator, attachment, measurement, multiplication, beginning, division, radiator, relationship, brotherhood, illustration, leadership, kindness, shortage, difference, mixture, realist, relativity, leakage, usage, judgement, conclusion

1.10 Find the equivalents of these nouns.

отражение, отблеск (reflect, reflector, reflection, reflective),

академик (academic, academical, academician, academy),

несчастный случай (accidentally, accidental, accident),

деятельность (activity, action, actionable, active, activate),

путешествие, поездка (tourist, tourism, tour, tourer)

забота, внимание (careless, careful, carefree, carefully, care)

истребитель, искоренитель (exterminatory, exterminator, exterminate, extermination)

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