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There is a fear that_________________________________________

The cost of accommodation _________________________________
Likely outcomes_______________________________________________


STEP 5 Vocabulary Practice

Task 1. In the interview Mike Butler used several expressions to describe the profitability of the market

Match the expressions on the left with their meaning on the right.

1) to discount (fares) a) to ask the customer to pay for your increased costs
2) to push up b) to fall sharply and suddenly
3) to plummet (of prices c) to force an increase (in smth)
4) to sit tight d) to force an increase (in sales)
5) to cut (prices) e) to maintain prices, not to change them
6) to stick to prices f) to take a per centage off prices (e.g. 5 per cent)
7) to pass on g) to wait without doing anything
8) to boost sales h) to lower prices


Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:

l)a 12 per cent share 5) to offload
2) unsold 6) foreign competitors
3) local hoteliers 7) self-catering
4) recovered 8) to reduce prices

It's all very well — we might have (a)_____________ of all summer packages sold but we are down 2 per cent on last year. You see we have been hit by hikes in hotel rates.

I think (b)________________ have got greedy after last year's record season.

But British tourists haven't any more money in their pockets this year than they had last year.

And when you realise that the peseta has (c)_________ against the pound, you can't be surprised that many prefer to go to Florida or Turkey where their pound will still buy more.

We've tried (d)____________ some of our (e)_____________ accommodation onto our (f)_____________but they are not interested in (g)__________ accommodation. So we are going to be forced (h) in August.

We have also had to cancel two flights.

Task 3. In these sentences, underline all the auxiliaries, the forms of "be" and "have," and the negatives. Practice saying them.

2)The south of the island has really suffered from the high-rise building boom of 60 s.

a)Now there are plans in the pipeline to improve these properties.

3)In the north we have insisted on more sympathetic development, and there you will find the exclusive hide-away villas.

4)But in the south we must develop a programme of refurbishment and improvements.

b)In particular we have to insist that tour operators do not organise pub crawls.

Task 4. Read the article below and check you know the words in the box.

Use a dictionary if necessary

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