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Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect Tense

1) Mike... (to prepare) all the calculations by the end of his working day tomorrow.

2) I... (to learn) some phrases in Japanese by the time the participants of the Japanese delegation arrive.

3) The chef... (to cook) all the dishes by the time the banquet begins.

4) The secretary... {to arrange) all the papers by the time the boss comes to the office tomorrow.

5) The ferry... (to reach) the port by 4 o'clock tomorrow.

6) They... (to deliver) our pizza by the beginning of the party tomorrow.

7) Jack and Monica... (to send) all the invitations by next Tuesday.

8) I... (to read) your report by tomorrow morning.

9) The workers... (/o unload) the lorries by the end of their working day.

10) We... (to analyse) the results of the experiment by next Friday.

1) Mike will have prepared all the calculations by the end of his working day tomorrow.
2) I will have learned some phrases in Japanese by the time the participants of the Japanese delegation arrive.
3) The chef will have cooked all the dishes by the time the banquet begins.
4) The secretary will have arranged all the papers by the time the boss comes to the office tomorrow.
5) The ferry will have reached the port by 4 o'clock tomorrow.
6) They will have delivered our pizza by the beginning of the party tomorrow.
7) Jack and Monica will have sent all the invitations by next Tuesday.
8) I will have read your report by tomorrow morning.
9) The workers will have unloaded the lorries by the end of their working day.
10) We will have analysed the results of the experiment by next Friday.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 2231 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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