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Make the sentences negative and interrogative. 1) We had agreed about our trip before your departure

1) We had agreed about our trip before your departure.

2) Emma had completed the survey by 4 o'clock yesterday.

3) You had informed us about the seminar before last Tuesday.

4) Gordon had downloaded those photos by 8 o'clock yesterday,

5) Meteorologists had predicted the approximate date of the earthquake long before.

6) We had witnessed the car accident before the police arrived.

7) She had spoken to the doctor before our meeting.

8) The eruption of the volcano had stopped by the end of last week.

9) Our bus had reached Birmingham by 9 o'clock yesterday evening.

10) They had finished the building of their cottage house by the end of last month.

1) We hadn't agreed about our trip before your departure. Had we agreed about our trip before your departure?
2) Emma hadn't completed the survey by 4 o'clock yesterday. Had Emma completed the survey by 4 o'clock yesterday?
3) You hadn't Informed us about the seminar before last Tuesday. Had you informed us about the seminar before last Tuesday?
4) Gordon hadn't downloaded those photos by 8 o'clock yesterday. Had Gordon downloaded those photos by 8 o'clock yesterday?
5) Meteorologists hadn't predicted the approximate date of the earthquake long before. Had meteorologists predicted the approximate date of the earthquake long before?
6) We hadn't witnessed the car accident before the police arrived, Had we witnessed the car accident before the police arrived?
7) She hadn't spoken to the doctor before our meeting. Had she spoken to the doctor before our meeting?
8) The eruption of the volcano hadn't stopped by the end of last week. Had the eruption of the volcano stopped by the end of last week?
9) Our bus hadn't reached Birmingham by 9 o'clock yesterday evening. Had our bus reached Birmingham by 9 o'clock yesterday evening?
10) They hadn't finished the building of their cottage house by the end of last month. Had they finished the building of their cottage house by the end of last month?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 1133 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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