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Task 7. Match English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents

a) representative внешняя политика

b) to pass law уголовное законодательство

c) to be valid принять закон

d) appropriate division достичь согласия

e) to reach consensus вводить чрезвычайное положение

f) to suspend the activity of an act приостановить действие закона

g) international obligations исполнять обязанности

h) criminal legislation быть действительным

i) external policy освободить (от должности)

j) to release международные обязательства

k) to introduce a state of emergency представитель

l) to perform one’s duties соответствующий административный округ

Task 8. What do these words or word combinations from the text refer to?

1. state - service, law, country

2. authority - person, power, body

3. to suspend - to delay, to keep on

4. eligible citizens - grown up, law-abiding, educated

5. to release smb. - to let free, to make to resign, to praise

6. state of emergency - extraordinary situation, sequence of events, policy

Task 9. Fill in the gaps in the phrases with the prepositions from this list if necessary: on, for, about, within, throughout, by

1. The population of Russia is… 140 million people.

2. These laws are valid … the territory….

3. They cannot contradict… the federal laws.

4. The dispute is transferred to the appropriate court … its resolution.

5. Elections are to take place … three months.

6. His duties are acted … the Prime Minister.

7. He has the right to introduce a state of emergency… the country.


Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 1315 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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