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Exc. 4. Match English and Russian equivalents

1. hereditary power лидер партии
2. actual power действительный правитель
3. virtual ruler вооруженные силы
4. armed forces партия, находящаяся в оппозиции
5. party in the opposition наследственная власть
6. leader of the party действительная власть
7. in the name of the Queen делать назначения
8. responsible for all measures от имени королевы
9. to make appointments ответственный за все меры

Exc. 5. Fill in either a verb or a noun in the table

verb noun
to adopt adoption
……….. elections
to vote ..............
to propose .............
………….. appeal
.................. amendment
to codify ....................
…………… government
………….. authority
to observe .................
to punish .................

Exc. 6. Find in the box:

a) 8 pairs of synonyms:

b) 2 pairs of antonyms:

c) all the names of law branches mentioned:

behaviour, civil law, domestic law, penalty, a criminal, to adopt a law, lawmaker, tradition, to follow, civil law, to observe, wrongdoer, legislator, to pass a law, custom, criminal law, private law, international law, punishment, conduct

Exc. 7. Find pairs of words from these two lists

a) to carry out 1. law/decision
b) to appoint 2. new elections
c) to execute 3. the Prime Minister
d) to pass 4. the state budget
e) to consider 5. law, document
f) to approve 6. questions, issues
g) to announce 7. policy
h) to form 8. rights, freedoms, legality
i) to present 9. the Parliament
j) to ensure 10. government
k) to dissolve 11. deputy Chairman

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 850 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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