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Syllabic and Syntactic Compression

Syllabic compression, which is the reduction of the number of syllables in the TL message, as compared to the S L message. It may be achieved by choosing shorter TL words, which leads to the lower speed of speech in the TL, e.g. kit for набір; state for держава, etc. Syllabic compression is usually achieved at the subconscious level and is often the case in interpreting from Ukrainian into English simply because there are more shorter words in English comparing to the Slavonic languages. However, the opposite also occurs from time to time, e.g. с кладний for sophisticated; погіршення for deterioration, etc.

Syntactic compression, which is the use in the TL of a shorter and less complicated syntactical construction than the one used in the SL. Here the following cases may be mentioned:

a) a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses is replaced by several simple sentences, e.g. When I entered the room, 1 saw that he was standing thereЯ увійшов у кімнату. Він стояв там;

b) a subordinate clause is replaced by a predicative construction with the participle, gerund or infinitive in English and by дієприкметниковий або дієприслівниковий зворот in Ukrainian, e.g. 1 saw that he was standing there – I saw him standing there;

c) a predicative construction or a phrase with the participle, gerund or infinitive in English (or, accordingly, their Ukrainian counterparts) is replaced by a phrase without the participle, gerund or infinitive or by a noun in the indirect (oblique) case, e.g. I saw him standing thereI saw him there: to give greater practical reality to the principles contained in the Charter... –... повніше втілювати у життя принципи Уставу:

d) a phrase is replaced by one word or a full name of a country (organisation, etc) is replaced by the corresponding abbreviation, e.g. the United States of America – the US', Organisation for Security and Co–operation in Europe – OSCE. the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation – PABSEC.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 988 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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