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Military- judicial reform of Peter

A significant event in the first quarter of XVIII in law was the military-judicial reform.

Peter I in 1702 created the military courts. The structure and activities of these courts were regulated by the Military Statute 1716. The court of first instance for Military Court was a regimental court. It included a chairman (prezus) - colonel, lieutenant colonel or major and 6 assessor (2 captain, 2 lieutenants and two ensignes).

Appeal instance for the regimental courts was General krigireht (court). It also carried on the most important cases. Its chairman was the Senior General and 6 assesors.

General court had its jurisdiction:

• All crimes against the state,

• crimes of entire parts of the troops,

• crimes committed by senior officials,

• crimes against the higher ranks.

The structure of each court: the auditor (he was checking the legal side of case) and the recorder. The Court was not a permanent body, and was appointed for each case. Assessors were chosen by the chairman.

The most serious crimes were: treason, attempted by the tsar, discussion and conviction of his actions and intentions, attacks on officers, resisting their orders, insubordination, refusal to serve, countering the courts and police.

Activities of the Navy and personnel were regulated by statutes, regulations and instructions.

5. Other reforms of Peter the Great:

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 433 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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