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There was a pause now, a sort of waiting silence which Tom could not

Understand. He glanced at Lord Hertford, who gave him a sign — but he

Failed to understand that also. The ready Elizabeth came to the rescue with

her usual easy grace. She made reverence and said:

'Have we leave of the prince's grace my brother to go?'

Tom said:

'Indeed, your ladyships can have whatsoever of me they will, for the asking;

Yet would I rather give them any other thing that in my poor power lieth, than

Leave to take the light and blessing of their presence hence. Give ye good den,

and God be with ye!' Then he smiled inwardly at the thought, ''tis not for

Naught I have dwelt but among princes in my reading, and taught my tongue

some slight trick of their broidered and gracious speech withal!'

When the illustrious maidens were gone, Tom turned wearily to his keepers

and said:

'May it please your lordships to grant me leave to go into some corner and

rest me!'

Lord Hertford said:

'So please your highness, it is for you to command, it is for us to obey. That

Thou shouldst rest, is indeed a needful thing, since thou must journey to the

city presently.'

He touched a bell and a page appeared, who was ordered to desire the

Presence of Sir William Herbert. This gentleman came straightway, and

conducted Tom to an inner apartment. Tom's first movement there was to

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 187 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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