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Various Panel Behavior Settings

These five new settings in the System menu permit you to customize the behavior of certain panel controls.

Touch Slider Latch Mode: Active Only, All —When set to Active Only (the default) and Latch On is active, the latched slider value is reset to 0 when switching between FX1 and FX3, playing another pad, or switching between 16 Sounds and 16 Beats modes. FX2 and FX4 behave similarly.

When set to All and Latch On is active, the slider values stay latched for a given Sound, even when switching among FX1, FX2, FX3, and FX4, playing other pads/Sounds, or switching between 16 Sounds and 16 Beats. Turning latch off resets all latched values to 0.

For details about the touch sliders, see “Real Time FX” on page 35 of the Tempest Operation Manual.

Latch Button behavior: Normal, Shift Switched, Disabled — In Normal mode, the touch slider remains at the last value when Latch On is active.

In Shift Switched mode, the un-shifted and shifted behaviors are swapped. That is, the Latch On buttons now switch between FX1 and FX3 or FX2 and FX4. Shift + Latch On turns latch on and off.

When set to Disabled, the Latch On buttons simply switch between FX1 and FX3 or FX2 and FX4 and the latch function is disabled.

For more details about Latch On, see “Real Time FX” on page 35 of the Tempest Operation Manual.

Envelope Amount Encoder behavior: Normal, Shift Switched — In Shift Switched mode, the un-shifted (Amount) and shifted (Velocity Amount) behaviors are swapped. That is, when Shift is off, the encoder controls Velocity Amount and when on, Amount.

Select Sound behavior: Shift On + Pad, Shift Held + Pad — The default behavior (Shift Held + Pad) is slightly different from what is described on page 5 of the Tempest Operation Manual. To select a Sound for editing without playing the Sound, hold Shift down and press the desired pad. When set to Shift Held + Pad, the pads can still be played when Shift is on.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 157 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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