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Reverse Playback

Reverse causes Sounds — even completely analog, non-sample-based Sounds — to play in reverse by reversing the envelopes. (Sample-based Sounds also play the sample in reverse.) Reverse is a real-time, performance control in 16 Sounds and 16 Beats modes and it can also be recorded into a Beat on a per note basis.

While playing a Beat in 16 Sounds mode, turning Reverse on and playing a pad will cause the Sound to play in reverse. While recording a Beat in 16 Sounds mode, notes recorded with Reverse on will record and play in reverse.

Note: Reverse has also been added to the parameter list in the Beat Events screen and can be turned on or off for individual notes. For details about the Beat Events screen, see “Events key: the Beat Events screen” on page 12 of the Tempest Operation Manual.

While playing a Beat in 16 Beats mode, Reverse causes all of the Sounds in a Beat — but not the Beat itself — to play in reverse.

Change Sounds Quickly from “Pads” Screen

A new parameter, Load Sound, has been added to the Pads screen in 16 Sounds mode, enabling Sounds for the selected pad to be auditioned and changed.

In Pads view, strike a pad to select a Sound and then turn the Load Sound soft knob clockwise to load the first available Sound of the current Sound directory. Continue scrolling through the list to audition different Sounds or use the Sound Directory soft knob to change to a different directory of Sounds. Press the Revert soft key to revert to the saved Sound.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 125 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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