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Lower Fairings Removal Remove the fairing mounting screws [A] in both side.

• Pull the rear side [A] of the fairing a little to outside to clear the stoppers [B] and then remove the fairing pushing [C] it to forward.

Lower Fairings Installation

• Insert the fairing hole [A] into the drawing mounting

bracket pipe [B] from front side, and push the fairing from

outside to inside to fit the stoppers [C].

Install the screws.

Upper Fairing Removal

• Remove the headlight unit/housing (see Headlight Unit/Housing Removal in the Electrical System chapter).

• Remove the screws [A], and separate the left [B], center [C] and right [D] upper fairing each other.

Air Duct Removal

• Remove the headlight unit/housing (see Headlight Unit/Housing Removal in the Electrical System chapter).

• Remove the air duct mounting screws [A], and remove the air ducts [B].


Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 170 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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