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Master Cylinder

Master Cylinder Inspection (Visual Inspection)

• Disassemble the master cylinder (see Front/Rear Master Cylinder Disassembly).

• Check that there are no scratches, rust or pitting on the inner wall of the master cylinder [A] and on the outside of the piston [B].

• If the master cylinder or piston shows any damage, re­place them.

• Inspect the primary [C] and secondary [D] cups.

• If a cup is worn, damaged, softened (rotted), or swollen, the piston assembly should be replaced to renew the cups.

• If fluid leakage is noted at the brake lever, the piston as­sembly should be replaced to renew the cups.

• Check the dust cover [E] for damage.
+ If it is damaged, replace it.

Check that the relief [F] and supply [G] ports are not

• plugged.

• If the relief port becomes plugged, the brake pads will drag on the disc. Blow the ports clean with compressed air.

• Check the piston return spring [H] for any damage.

• If the spring is damaged, replace it.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 198 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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