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Fluid Seal Damage

The fluid seal [A] around the piston maintains the proper pad/disc clearance. If this seal is not satisfactory, pad wear will increase, and constant pad drag on the disc will raise brake and brake fluid temperature.

• Replace the fluid seal under any of the following condi­

OFluid leakage around the pad.

OBrakes overheat.

OThere is a large difference in left and right pad wear.

OThe seal is stuck to the piston.

If the fluid seal is replaced, replace the dust seal as well.
Dust Seal Damage

• Check that the dust seal [B] is not cracked, worn, swollen, or otherwise damaged.

• If it shows any damage, replace it.

Caliper Dust Boot and Friction Boot Damage

• Check that the dust boot [A] and friction boot [B] are not cracked, worn, swollen or otherwise damaged.

• If they show any damage, replace it.

Piston and Cylinder Damage

• Visually inspect the piston and cylinder surfaces.

• Replace the cylinder and piston if they are badly scored or rusty.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 208 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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