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Структура простого предложения

Subject (S) – подлежащее

Predicate (P) – сказуемое

Object (O) – дополнение

Adverbial modifier (AM) – обстоятельство

Question word (QW) – вопросительное слово

Auxiliary verb (AV) – вспомогательный глагол

    +The cadets patrol streets every day
    – He didn’t serve in the army last year
  ? Will you solve this crime?  
?When are they leaving home?  

4.1 Answer the following questions about your education institution.

Model:Q- Is there a library at your education institution?

A -1 - Yes, there is.

A -2 - Yes, there is one big library at my education institution.

A -3 - No, there isn’t.

A -4 - No, there is not any library at my education institution.

Is there a/any (reading room / stadium / tuition fees / strong teaching staff / scholarship / variety of courses / Internet access / campus / museum / home comfort) at your higher school?

Model:Q - Are there any admission tests at your Academy?

A -1 - Yes, there are.

A -2 - Yes, there are some admission tests at my Academy.

A -3 - No, there aren’t.

A -4 - No, there are not any admission tests at my Academy.

Are there any/ many (graduates / tutors / girl - cadets / tutorials / innovations / graduation tests / different degree programs / postgraduate courses / student loans) at your Academy?

Model:Q - How long does it take to get a bachelor’s degree?

A - It takes 4 years(to get a bachelor’s degree).

How long does it take to (write an essay / become a Colonel of police / learn law enforcement English / get a Master’s degree / read “War and Peace” / speak Chinese / study at the Academy / learn to drive a car / learn to use the weapon)?

4.2 Look at the pictures of the University of Cambridge, Oxford University and the Scottish Police College (ex.1.1). Compose 10 questions to Craig Duar about these education institutions.

4.3 Imagine that the best cadet of your group has just come back from educational trip to the Scottish Police College. He made a presentation about it. Ask him about the college. The text below will help you.

The Scottish Police College at Tulliallan Castle celebrated its 56th anniversary as the home of police training in Scotland. The history of its building is very interesting. It was a medieval castle reconstructed by Admiral Keith. During the Second World War it served as the home of the Polish Free Forces. The building was modernized and the first courses for inspectors and sergeants began in 1954.

The task of the Scottish Police College was to train constables from different police forces centrally and to provide some form of higher training for senior officers. The recruits were to have two-stage training, initial training lasting 12 weeks and the second-stage training lasting 8 weeks. These two periods of training were separated by a period of practice in the force. The new recruit program now consists of a 16 week training course at the College, a 50 week period of operational patrol duties and a final 2 week period to check knowledge and skills of the trainees.

Traditionally the trainees of the Scottish Police College are junior officers of the Scottish police service. In the course of their training, the cadets are to get actual knowledge of the following: crime, evidence, general police duties, traffic policing and investigational techniques.

Besides classroom activities, young police officers handle Officer Safety Training, skills of self-defense, baton and handcuff techniques. They are also to have intensive physical training and pass the Scottish Police Fitness Test.

The instructors of the Scottish Police College are experienced workers of the Scottish police forces.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 244 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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