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1.1 Look at the pictures and say which one shows the University of Cambridge, Oxford University and the Scottish Police College?

Model: The first (second, third) picture shows __________________.

1.2 Think and guess which institution

– was founded by Oxford scholars;

– is situated at a castle (замок);

– is the second oldest university in the English-speaking world;

– is the second oldest surviving (сохранившийся) university in the world;

– has no limit on the admission age;

– educates to protect law and order;

– has the most Nobel Prize winners among universities in the world;

– admitted women only from 1881;

– started teaching in 1096;

– has experienced workers of police forces in the teaching staff.

Model: I think that the University of Cambridge (Oxford University,

the Scottish Police College___________________.

1.3 Listen and match the pictures with the description of the education institution. Check your answers.

1.4 Copy and complete the table. Look at your notes and talk about each institution of higher education.

Official title Foundation date Location Mission Teaching staff   Students (trainees)

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 258 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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