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By and until

(a) By (+ время) употребляется для обозначения того, когда наступит указанное время:

Can you finish this work by tomorrow? (= не позже, чем завтра)

I'd like to have it by 11 o'clock. (= в 11 или до 11 часов).

Для того, чтобы показать, КАК ДОЛГО продолжается действие, мы употребляем until или till.

We shall wait for your answer until 5 o'clock. (мы перестанем

ждать в 5 часов)

I hope he'll receive the invitation by Sunday. (приглашение придет

либо до воскресенья, либо в воскресенье)

I hope he'll receive the invitation until Sunday. (приглашение придет

в воскресенье)

(b) Мы также употребляем конструкцию by the time

(something happens)..:

By the time you finish working in the library, I'll be home already. (= I will

come home between now and the time you finish working in the library)

Когда вы говорите о прошлом, вы можете употреблять конструкцию by the time (something happened)..:

By the time I finished, I was very tired.

In, at, on (position/ предлоги места) (1)

(a) In

in a cage/ in the sea/ in a queue

Эти выражения следует запомнить:

in the street/ in a picture/ in a station in the sky/ in a mirror/ in a photograph

I live in Pushkin Street.

There were a lot of clouds in the sky yesterday.

(b) At

at the window /at the table /at the top of the hill

Эти выражения следует запомнить:

at the crossing / at the traffic lights / at a staircase at lunch (dinner) supper/ at school/(the) university /at the top

We are pupils of the seventh form at school No. 4.

(c) On

on the blackboard /on the hand /on a page/on the wall

Эти выражения следует запомнить:

on the left/ on the right /on the coast on the way/ on a road /on a river on the ground floor/ on the first floorи т.д.

Shakespear's native town is on the river Avon.

(d) In, at, on the corner

Мы говорим in the corner of the room, но

at the corner (или on the corner) of a street:

The table is in the corner of the room.

There is a beautiful house at/on the corner of the street.

(e) In / at / on the front. In / at / on the back

Мы говорим ' in the front/in the back of the car ':

She was sitting in the back (of the car) when we crashed.

Мы говорим ' at the front/at the back of a hall/ building/cinema/group of people 'и т.д.:

The piano is at the back of the hall.

Мы говорим ' on the front/on the back of a letter/

piece of paper 'и т.д.:

Write your name on the back of this piece of paper.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 227 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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