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Exercise 21. Complete these sentences with an appropriate word or phrase in the right form, from the box

dress down dishevelled tacky gaudy fit craze dowdy suit manner match  

He always looks ___. His clothes are always dirty and he never combs his hair.

People often have a very good idea of what colors ___ them but they still buy the wrong color clothes.

People used to think fake fur was really ____, but now it's considered fashionably 'green'.

She was wearing a very elegant jacket which ___ her perfectly.

The latest ___ in my country is the 60s fashion for bell-bottom trousers.

It is fashionable for stars to ___ at the moment because, it is said, they feel guilty about having too much money.

I'm going to buy a new pair of shoes to ___ the sweater I got for my birthday.

Her clothes are very ___ - I'm sure she'd look so much better in brighter, bolder colors and styles.

Tony has a lovely ___ - he always gives the impression he is interested in what you're saying.

In general, I like your clothes, but I think that luminous green and yellow jacket you were wearing yesterday was a bit ___.

Exercise 22. Find the Russian equivalents to the following:

A brief (short) skirt

a full (wide) skirt

a skimpy skirt

a straight skirt

a flared skirt

a gathered skirt

a pleated skirt

a wrap-over (wraparound) skirt

a gored skirt

a slit skirt

a miniskirt

drawstring waistline



Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 1104 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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