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Read the dialogue

annie: I like wearing the kind of clothes that I know my mother doesn't wear. I like, I like to look young and I like wearing bright colors and things that stand out in a crowd like, I like leather trousers and skirts, I like bright, bright colors, in my hair as well - like slides and things but also I dye my hair quite often. I don't see why I should look like everyone else in the street. It's fun. Clothes should be fun not something really serious. I could never spend, I don't know, £100 on a skirt for example. It's just such a waste of money.

sara: I mean, I like dressing up sometimes, but most of the time I actually feel uncomfortable, especially for my job 'cause I, I teach and, you know, if I'm wearing a skirt or a blouse I go in and I feel as if I'm teaching really formally and stiffly just because of what I'm wearing, so I tend to like to wear, you know, I like wearing sort of stripey things and spotty things and, and bright bouncy things really, and I'm not really bothered about the fashion. So I just like to wear the sort of things, you know, that like I feel comfortable in.

liz: I like wearing quite smart clothes because I feel better that way. I like to feel that I'm presenting the right image because I come into work - I work in an office - and I feel that people need to have some respect for me. They're going to do that more if I'm dressed to look as if I have some control over my situation and everything else. I enjoy wearing these clothes and I therefore feel more comfortable in them, which is also an additional part of it At the present moment I, I'm wearing a suit and, and a shirt and high heels, but that is not because I have to. It's because I actually feel better that way and that the image that I'm presenting will give people more confidence.

mike: Yes, well it's because I work in a bank really. I'm expected to wear formal clothes, pinstripe suit, tie, dark shoes, usually. Other times I do wear other, other sorts of clothes but I, I quite like wearing things like that. We're a bit of an old-fashioned firm and they, they insist that we do...

Exercise 16. Answer the questions


a) Does she like changing the color of her hair?

b) Does she spend a lot of money on clothes?


a) Is it necessary for her to wear a skirt for her job?

b) Is she a business woman?


a) Does she feel comfortable in smart clothes?

b) Does she have to wear a suit to work?


a) Does he have to wear formal clothes?

b) Does he like wearing formal clothes?

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