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Dealing with conflict

We should focus on positive aspects… We should look at the benefits for both sides … We hope you can see our point of view … Could you tell us why you feel like this? I think we need to consider some fresh ideas …

Exercise 12 Read the text below. How many ways are suggested to reduce conflict in a negotiation? Suggest your own ways to avoid conflict. Entitle the text.

Conflict may sometimes be an unavoidable step on the road towards agreement. However, in some cases conflict leads to the breakdown of negotiations as one or both sides realize that agreement is not possible. In many cased this is better than agreeing to something which would be against the interests of the people concerned.

When conflict arises, there are several possible actions which may help to resolve conflict in a negotiation:

· leave the problem, go on to a different topic and return later to the point at issue

· summarize progress and areas of agreement

· emphasize the benefits available to both sides

· emphasize the loss to both sides of not reaching agreement

· restate the issue and wait for a response

· change the package

· invent the options for mutual gain

· offer conditional concessions

· adjourn to think and reflect

· set up an off-the-record meeting

· change location

· change negotiator (personal chemistry?)

· bring in a third party (mediator?)

· consider walking away.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 485 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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