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Exercise 25 Read the text below, then use the words given to make questions about Pierre

My name’s Pierre Meyer. I’m from Luxembourg, and I’m an IT specialist. I have a passion for anything that’s related to computers. I graduated in maths and computer science from Imperial College London. Since then, I’ve been working on a very exciting project in Bulgaria, developing new software for a government ministry. In addition, I also train the ministry IT staff in the use of new technologies. I’m going back home in three months’ time, when the project finishes. I’ve just read about an interesting vacancy for an IT job with a famous bank, so I’m going to apply.

I love what I do because it’s not only about machines. I work in a team most of the time. On top of that, I’m responsible for training a lot of people.

1. Pierre / do / for a living? What does Pierre do for a living? He’s an IT consultant.
2. Where / from? From Imperial College London.
3. think / project in Bulgaria? He says it’s very exciting.
4. project / finish? In three months’s time.
5. job / only about computers? No, it isn’t. He often works with people.
6. have / any other responsibilities? Yes. He also has to train a lot of people.

Exercise 26 Read the text above again, then write questions for Pierre’s answers.

1 What’s your name? – Pierre. 2. … - From Luxembourg. 3. … In maths and computer science. 4. … – Since I graduated. 5. … – For a government ministry. 6. … - The ministry IT staff. 7. … – When the project finishes. 8. … – An IT job with a bank. 9. … – Because I work with people, not only computers. 10. … – Yes, most of the time.

Text C

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 1643 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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