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Exercise 16:Make sentences with a similar meaning by using be supposed to

1. The teacher expects us to be on time for class. (We are supposed to be on time for


2. People expect the weather to be cold tomorrow.

3. People expect the plane to arrive at 6:00.

4. I expect Tom to call me.

5. My boss expects me to work late tonight.

6. I expect the mail to arrive at noon.

7. Someone expected me to return the book to the library yesterday, but I didn’t.

8. Someone expected me to go to the party tonight, but I stayed home.

9. The weather bureau has predicted rain for tomorrow. According to the weather

bureau it __________________________________.

10. The directions on the pill bottle say “Take one pill every six hours”. According

to the directions on the bottle I _________________.

Exercise 17:Read the dialogues and then answer the questions. Use be supposed to.

1. Tom’s boss: Mail this package.

Tom: Yes, sir.

What is Tom supposed to do?

2. Mary: Call me at nine.

Ann: Okay.

What is Ann supposed to do?

3. Ms. Steiner: Please make your bed before you go to school.

Johnny: Okay, Mom.

What is Johnny supposed to do?

4. Mr. Takada: Put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

Susie: Okay, Dad.

What is Susie supposed to do?

5. Dr. Kettle: You should take one pill every eight hours.

Patient: All right, Dr. Kettle. Anything else?

Dr. Kettle: Drink plenty of fluids.

What is the patient supposed to do?


Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 552 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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