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Exercise 12:Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of get

1. Shake your leg! Step on it! _______ busy. There’s no time to waste.

2. Tom and Sue ________ married last month.

3. Let’s stop working for a while. I’m ______ tired.

4. I don’t want _____ old, but I guess it happens to everybody.

5. I _____ interested in biology when I was in high school, so I decided to major in

it in college.

6. My father started _______ bald when he was in his twenties. I’m in my twenties,

and I’m started _____ bald. It must be in the genes.

7. Brrr. It ______ cold in here. Maybe we should turn on the furnace.

8.When I was in the hospital I got a card from my aunt. It said “______ well soon”.

9. When I went downtown yesterday, I ____ lost. I didn’t remember to take my map

of the city with me.

10. A: Why did you leave the party early?

B: _______ bored.

11. A: I _______ hungry. Let’s eat soon.

B: Okay.

12. A: What happened?

B: I don’t know. Suddenly I ______ dizzy, but I’m okay now.

13. A: Do you want to go for a walk?

B: Well, I don’t know. It ______ dark outside right now. Let’s wait and go for

A walk tomorrow.

14. I always ______ nervous when I have to give a speech.

15. A: Where’s Bud? He was supposed to be home two hours ago. He always calls

when he’s late. I _______ worried. Maybe we should call the police.

B: Relax. He’ll be here soon.

16. A: Hurry up and _____ dressed. We have to leave in ten minutes.

B: I’m almost ready.

17. A: I’m going on a diet.

B: Oh?

A: See? This shirt is too tight. I ______ fat.

18. A: Janice and I are thinking about ______ married in June.

B: That’s a nice month for a wedding.

Exercise 13: Error analysis. Find and correct the errors in the following sentences.

1. An accident was happened at the corner yesterday.

2. This is belong to me.

3. I am very surprise by the news.

4. I’m interesting in this subject.

5. He is marry with my cousin.

6. Vietnam is locate in Southeast Asia.

7. Mary’s dog was died last week.

8. Were you surprise when you saw him?

9. When I went downtown I get lost.

10. Last night I very tire.

11. The bus was arrived ten minutes later.

12. When are you going to get marry?

13. I am agree with you.

14. We are not agree with him.


I am used tohot weather I am accustomed tohot weather I am used / accustomed to livingin a hot climate. Living in a hot climate is usual and normal for me. I’m familiar with what it is like to live in a hot climate. Tois followed by the –ing form.
I just moved from Florida to Alaska. I have never lived in a cold climate before but I am getting used (accustomed) tothe cold weather here. In I’m getting used to= something is beginning to seem usual and normal to me.

To express the habitual past the infinitive form follows used: I used to live in Chicago but now I live in New York. However, be used to is followed by a gerund: I am used to living in a big city.

NOTE: In both used to the “d” is not pronounced in “used”.

Exercise 14: Complete the sentences with be used to, affirmative or negative.

1. Juan is from Mexico. He ________ hot weather. He isn’t ______ cold weather.

2. Alice was born and raised in Chicago. She _______ living in a big city.

3. My hometown is New York City, but this year I’m going to school in a small town.

I ___________ living in a small city. I ______ living in a big city.

4. We do a lot of exercises in class. We _______ doing exercises.

5. Spiro is from Greece. He ______ eating Greek food. He _______ American food.

6. I always get up around 6:00 a.m. I ________ getting up early.

7. We rarely take multiple choice tests. We _______ taking that kind of test.

Exercise 15: Answer the questions.

1. What time are you accustomed to getting up?

2. What time are you used to going to bed?

3. Are you accustomed to living in the countryside?

4. Are you used to speaking English every day?

5. What are you accustomed to eating for breakfast?

6. Where are you used to eating lunch?

7. What food are you accustomed to eating?

8. Who lives in a dorm? Are you used to the noise in the dorm?


Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 689 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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