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Text 6 Delivery

The delivery is one of the crucial factors determining how fast a press is able to produce. If not well designed, it will create a major glitch and will limit net hourly output. It must accommo­date high piles despite heavy ink application, and facilitate reduced use of anti setoff pow­der. In addition, it should ensure adequate drying at high speeds. The delivery of the SM 102 meets all of these requirements very easily.

The patented Heidelberg sheet guide plate with air blast jets generates a stabilizing, protec­tive air cushion beneath the sheet. Supported by this air cushion, even sensitive papers are guided into the delivery without any marking; whether printing in-line or in perfecting. The air volume can be fine-tuned to the press speed and the running properties of the stock. The distance from the last print­ing unit to the delivery pile is long enough to ensure good drying. A dryer module can be optionally added. If desired, the Speedmaster SM 102 can be supplied with a continuous delivery with descending secondary pile hoist carrying rake for non-stop oper­ation, or boards for hurdling jobs into small lifts. When the press is equipped with the Heidelberg Preset remote format adjustment system, both the feeder and the delivery are automatically set to each new sheet size. After it has been entered at the central control console, the lateral sheet jog­gers, the rear stop, and the sheet brake in the delivery move to the right positions. If you need to change sheet sizes frequently, the time savings you realize in this way add up to a significant gain in productivity. Adjustment of the powdering width is also computer-controlled (if sup­ported by the installed powder sprayer).

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the functions of the delivery?

2. Why is it necessary to generate an air cushion?

3. What modules and systems can be added to the Speedmaster SM 102?

4. How can you increase the productivity of the system?

II. Find in the text English equivalents of the terms:

Приймально-вивідний пристрій, високий стапель паперу, направляюча аркушів, повітродувні сопла, повітряна подушка, бокові зіштовхувачі аркушів, обмежувачі формату, централізоване налагоджування на формат.

ІІІ. Translate the text into Ukrainian.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 186 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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