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Text3 Fully Automatic Print Preparation

The Quickmaster DI employs a master-based digital printing process. In other words, a physical master is used to print copies with consistently good quality at high speed. First, of course, the plates have to be imaged. After a job has been prepared by the Raster Image Processor (RIP) of the Quick-master DI and stored in a page buffer, the operator can select the job on-screen to start print preparation.

First fresh plate material is fed to all four printing units. This is done by a revolutionary new system in which the plates are reeled off a supply roll inside the plate cylinder. At the same time, the used polyester plates from the previous job are wound onto another roll. All of this happens concurrently in all four printing units in just a few seconds. The plate cylinder holds enough plate material for 35 consecutive jobs. Afterwards the rolls are easy to change. Once the fresh plates are in place, all four of them are imaged in precise register in just six minutes (at 1270 dpi).

Finally, automated cleaning devices get the plates ready to start printing. The entire process is fully automated and takes only about 15 minutes! While the plates are being imaged, the Quickmaster DI operator is free to make other preparations for the pressrun. The inherent versatility of the press permits preloading of the paper, among other things. Changing formats could hardly be easier, requiring only a few quick adjustments to be made with the central format setting at the feeder. All four printing units can also be centrally adjusted to the thickness of the stock being printed on, using a handwheel at the delivery.

The 0. K. Sheet in Minutes

The Quickmaster DI requires a minimum of startup sheets to get the desired print results. This is because the inking profile is calculated for all four colors on the basis of the rasterized image data and transferred to the CPC-controlled ink fountains for presetting. As a result, even the very first sheet closely approx­imates the target density profile A few corrections are then all that is needed before starting the run. The operator remotely adjusts inking in the individual printing units from the control console.

There is no need to adjust the register of the individual colors, because the plates are imaged in precise register to begin with. You save even more time because in waterless offset you don't have to worry about getting the right ink/water balance. The result even fewer startup sheets. Once it gets going, the Quickmaster DI prints short four-color runs in convincing quality at a top speed of 10,000 sheets per hour. Tonerbased color printers are unable to compete with this kind of performance. After the job is finished, automatic blanket wash-up systems quickly get the press ready for the next run.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. How is fully automatic print preparation performed?

2. What does a new system serve for?

3. How many jobs can be done without the roll’s changing?

4. How much time does the process take?

5. What is the workpower of Quickmaster DI?

II. Find in the text equivalents of the terms:


посторінковий буферний запам’ятовуючий пристрій


формний циліндр

стапель паперу

самонаклад, макулатурні аркуші, щільність, співвідношення фарби і води, тонерний друкуючий пристрій, пристрій для змивання офсетного полотна.

ІІІ. Translate the text into Ukrainian.

IV. Complete the text, using the words:

Managed, equipped, graphical, central, length, degree, continuously, digital, adjust, quickly.

Simple, Safe Operation

All of the Quickmaster DI's functions are … and monitored by Heidelberg's proven CP Tronic … press control system. The central control console is … with a clearly organized, easy-to-clean, flat control panel. A dis­play … shows the entered run … and the momentary press speed. Aided by a … user interface on the color monitor, the opera­tor uses keystrokes or a track­ball to control the preparations for printing and … inking in the printing units. This high … of user-friendliness lets a skilled press operator … exploit the full potential of the Quickmaster DI.

V. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following words:

Monitored, press control system, user interface, console, keystrokes, inking, trackball, printing unit.

VI. Write a synopsis of the text in English:

Text 4 Central Remote Control of Ink and Regist

It is almost 20 years ago that Heidelberg made the first deci­sive step on the way to the electronic remote control of offset printing presses in the shape of the CPC 1. Today this device is proven practice for thousands of printers all over the world. The heart of the Heidelberg CPC system is the internationally patented CPC ink metering fountain with its servo-cams, enabling precise, repro-ducible and completely zonally independent ink fountain zone setting.

Potentiometers signal the ink metering setting to the light diode display of the control console. This allows the targeted and extremely finely meterable buildup of an ink layer profile on the ink fountain roller With the latest Remote Control CPC 1-04 we have succeeded in achieving a further step for­ward in terms of possible func­tions, operator control and communication with other Heidelberg system components. The CPC 1-04 differs from its predecessors externally in that its design has been matched to the CP Tronic with the familiar graphics-capable plasma moni­tor. The operator control concept has also been brought into align­ment.

In this way, dependable and comfortable working at the com­bined CPC/CP Tronic has been facilitated.

The efficiency and scope of functions of the remote control system have also been opti­mized. For register adjustment a separate, logically arranged block of keys has been inte­grated. A further important innovation is the improved drive of the CPC ink zone and register motors.

Considerably more motors can now be operated simultaneously. For example, the time for correc­tions to ink zones or the execu­tion of a pre-inking program have been reduced by up to 50%. The well-known „Over-modulation” function has been modified: the duration of employ­ment of the „electronic ink spat­ula” has now been optimized as a function of speed and ink zone opening. In this way an even faster reaction of the inking unit has been ensured for corrections without the occurrence of any overshooting.

With CPC 1-04 the coating register is now directly drive-controllable, i.e. any register alterations entered are shifted in the coating unit or in the coating units themselves and not as hitherto in the inking units with compensation on the feeder.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What do they call the heart of the Heidelberg CPC system?

2. How does the CPC 1-04 differ from its predecessors?

3. What are the main functions of the remote control system?

4. What innovations are there in the CPC 1-04?

5. How was “Over-modulation” function modified?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 222 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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