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Jobs in finance sector

1. Top managers within emerging markets have been the priority for Russian banks looking to get back on their feet after the crisis, with companies happy to … on their rivals.

2. Moscow's banks are battling out for top managers as they stake their claims to dominate the country's … stock markets, but many more junior employees remain out of work.

3. As Russia's stock market has almost … in the last 12 months, banks are betting on experience so they can take advantage of a renewed appetite for risky assets.

4. Several of our investment banking and asset management clients are looking to … ambitious business plans again and this means hiring experienced bankers.

5. "About 90 per cent of all the hires we've been involved in have been of Russian national banks who've been employed and taken from one bank to another," said Nick Rees, managing director of … firm Star Search.

6. When the crisis hit in 2008, banks sacrificed lots of people quickly while retaining their … team, but those cut mostly remain out of work while banks compete for the top names.

7. Some experts maintain that while Russia was booming, there was a shortage of talented bankers and the crisis gave firms a chance to cut the dead wood. Now, only people with the right skills will be … by banks that are recruiting finance managers..

8. The Russian market grew so fast and was so short of the … it needed to grow that these new entrants to the market are eagerly being hired by the firms who have long-term commitment to the Russian market and confident growth strategies.

9. Analysts say that most new staff are being recruited in … positions, in particular investment bankers. But with the threat of a second wave crisis still in employers' minds, people are needed to control the risks.

10. The wave of new jobs is being driven by firms starting to … the plans that had been shelved when the crisis hit, while new action is expected on the equity markets.

11. "In 2010 we are seeing not just small and medium-sized deals but … deals like the Rusal IPO," said Quinn Martin, head of communications at Renaissance Capital.

12. Renaissance Capital is hiring between 200 and 250 people as they seek to capitalise on the availability of experienced managers while much of the competition is still …, not just within Russia but also other emerging markets.

13. However, people trying to get back into employment will be … by signs of decreasing volatility and hopes that the economy is recovering as they look for work.

(reeling, swoop, expertise, tripled, core, snapped up, revenue-creating, dust off, jumbo, buoyed, rejuvenated, execute, recruitment)

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 191 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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