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Master officer period principal selling

  1. Next year’s budget is being prepared by the … … over the next few weeks.

2. They haven’t taken variable output levels into account and have set a … … of $800,000 for raw materials.

3. The sales manager has to give his budget estimate to the … … by tomorrow morning so that he can check it before the meeting next week.

4. For most companies the … … is a year but due to the rapidly changing nature of the fashion industry they prepare their budget every four months.

5. There is a limit to the amount of money which may be spent on research and development, so an … … has been prepared.

6. In order to have an effective management control system, we prepare a … … for a short period of time.

7. The market demand is for 900.000 units, but the existing plant, which is only capable of producing 500,000 units, is the … … factor.

8. The marketing department ids divided into ten territories, each with it own … ….

9. Sales reps’ salaries, rent for sales offices, advertising and publicity are some of the items included in the … ….

10. In order to make sure that there will be enough cash available to meet demands and provide additional finance if required, a … … must be prepared.

11. The budgeted profit ad loss accunt is incorporated in the final … … once the board of directors has agreed it.

Ex.2. Cost analysis. Take one word from the left-hand column and the one from the right to complete the sentences.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 286 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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