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Agree with blame for caused by difference between in line with insist on reason for refer to responsible for suspicious of


1. The auditor discovered that there was a … the cash book and the bank balance.

2. If the entries in the accounts are not clear, he can … the original invoices.

3. You must … an official signature on all large orders.

4. The auditor must check that the records are … the company requirements.

5. The auditor must ask the … any large discounts or allowances.

6. The auditor is … checking the reason for any changes in the accounts.

7. The authorities will … the auditor … any mistakes in the accounts.

8. He must check that the purchase invoices … the entries in the Purchase Journal.

9. The auditor should be … any short-cut methods of correcting errors.

10. Mistakes may be … the wrong steps used in the original accounting prices.

Ex.2. Choose the appropriate prefix to complete the following sentences. Some prefixes may be used more than once.

1. Low demand for their product has made production very …profitable.

2. We don’t have a detailed cost analysis yet, so the issue is …decided about future investment.

3. You must make everthing very clear now in order to avoid any …understanding later.

4. Four Seasons Ltd has been …successful in marketing the new product.

5. Since …regulation, telephone companies have been able to set their own prices.

6. The company would be more profitable if they could reduce the amount of …used capacity.

7. They have decided to …continue the production of Product M because sales have fallen.

8. They have changed the way they measure profit as absorption costing is…adequate.

9. The management think that the policy of expanding sales is…correct.

10. Prices for raw materials are …normally high at the moment.

11. They …estimated the effect of the competitor’s products on sales in this market sector.

12. The report showed that moving the production to a new site was …desirable.

13. An increase in the price of land was totally …expected.

14. Lots of the documentation which was lost in the fire is …replaceable.

(ir-, un-, in-, dis-, ab-, under-, mis-, de-)

Ex.3.Use the words in bold to form a word which fits in the blank space.

1. Wages are earnings which are calculated and paid WEEK.

2. The payroll contains details of all the EMPLOY who work for the company.

3. The employer makes a DEDUCT for tax from the workers’ gross salary.

4. When calculating how much tax to pay, personal RELIEVE is set against the amount someone earns.

5. In the UK, people who have worked an paid into National Insurance can claim benefits from the state. These include EMPLOY benefit and a pension for RETIRE.

6. To provide for their old age, people may pay monthly CONTRIBUTE to a pension scheme.

7. Payments to a pension scheme may be tax DEDUCT.

8. Pension schemes operated by a company may be non CONTRIBUTE

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 416 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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