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The use of the definite article with nouns in set expressions

1. it is out of the question- про це не може бути й мови. "Will you go to the theatre to- night?" "It's out of the question. I have lots of things to do."
2. to take the trouble to do something - узяти на себе турботу зробити щось You had a difficult text to translate and you did not take the trouble to consult the dictionary.
3. in the original - в оригіналі   You know English well enough to read Dickens in the original.
4. to play the piano (the violin, the harp) - грати на піаніно, скрипці She plays the piano very well.
5. to keep the house- сидіти вдома   She has a cold and will have to keep the house for a couple of days.
6. to keep the bed - бути на постільному режимі She has a bad cold and will have to keep the bed for a couple of days.
7. on the whole- в цілому   On the whole Tom is a pleasant fellow, but sometimes he has whims.
8. the other day (refers to the past) - днями I met him the other day.
9. on the one hand...on the other hand - з одного боку з іншого боку On the one hand he certainly ex- cites suspicion, but on the other hand we have not, enough evi­dence against him.
10. to tell (to speak) the truth- говорить правду; to tell the truth- правду кажучи He always speaks (tells) the truth. To tell the truth, I don't like the girl.
11. to be on the safe side– для певності   I am almost sure of the pronunciation of this name, but to be on the safe side let us consult the pronouncing dictionary.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 543 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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