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Practice. Exercise 1. In the sentences below, only one of the underlined noun groups is appropriate

Exercise 1. In the sentences below, only one of the underlined noun groups is appropriate. Cross out the one that is wrong.

1. A train/The train would be best; it leaves every hour. 2. He was a supreme master of ballet/a ballet. 3. Both of them found work in hospital/the hospital. 4. Can you play a guitar/the guitar? 5. Lithuanian borders were set up in the spring/a spring. 6. Since they built the bridge no one uses a ferry/the ferry any more. 7. She has returned to a theatre/the theatre after an absence of five years. 8. She could not imagine people going to church/the church looking so dull and unhappy. 9. I once played a guitar/the guitar which had only five strings. 10. In a summer/summer it’s hot but in winter/a winter it’s very cold. 11. Next year you’ll be able to go by hovercraft; they’re starting a new service. It’ll be much quicker than a boat/the boat. 12. Our lives are dominated by televisions/a television. 13. The door was closed when I went to bed/the bed. 14. She started learning a piano/the piano at the age of five. 15. During a day/the day it was very hectic but at the night/night it was desolate.

Exercise 2. In the sentences below, only one of the underlined noun groups is appropriate. Cross out the one that is wrong.

1. You’ll have no trouble getting home; a bus/the bus doesn’t stop running till midnight. 2. This town is boring. What we need is a cinema/the cinema. 3. We drove to university/the university, opposite which was a temple. 4. I’ve always had a flute/the flute, ever since I was a child. 5. What are you doing after lunch on Tuesday/a Tuesday? 6. There are many ways for tourists to get around London. If you don’t mind travelling in tunnels, take an underground/the underground; if you like to see where you’re going, sit on the top deck of a bus/the bus; and if you’re in a hurry, take a taxi/the taxi. 7. “You’re dressed up.” – “Yes, we’re going to opera/the opera. ” 8. Robert moved closer to the bed/bed. 9. I’m afraid a violin/the violin is an instrument I never mastered. 10. Past/The past is forgotten. 11. Film/The film is both a respected art form and a form of mass entertainment. 12. People get sent to the prison/prison for that sort of thing. 13. It was summer/a summer of intense heat. 14. “What can we do tonight?” – “Well, we could go to movies/the movies. ” 15. How are we going to get from the church/church to the reception? 16. Air force relief flights continue in morning/the morning. 17. I wanted to go to university/the university but I wanted to be an actor more. 18. I did a lot of work in Hamburg in the eighties/eighties.

Exercise 3. Write the correct article where necessary.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 509 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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