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Exercise 5. Open the brackets. Use Active and Passive Voice

1. In Britain everyone over 18... (to be) eligible to vote. 2. The Queen... (to be) the official Head of the State and for many people a symbol of national unity. 3. In 1776 thirteen British Colonies... (to unite) and... (to form) a new free independent state. 4. Who... (to appoint) the head of the judicial branch of government in your constituency? 5. Before elections every party... (to conduct) election campaign with meetings, speeches and television commercials. 6. The Crown... (to be) still hereditary and it... (to pass) on to the sovereign’s eldest son. 7. The first ten amendments to the American Constitution... (to cal) the Bill of Rights. 8. The party in power already... (to publish) its point of view on a major issue? 9. He... (to nominate) for the Conservative party a month before the presidential elections. 10. Voters... (to put) their votes in a ballot box, later the votes... (to count) and the winner... (to declare). 11. The Queen... (to meet) the Prime Minister every week and... (to receive) copies of all Cabinet papers. 12. The Constitution... (to separate) the powers of the government into three branches: executive, legislative and judiciary. 13. Before the elections the Labour Party... (to conduct) its election campaign with meeting, speeches and TV commercials. 14. Her son... (to steal) clothes worth £ 28,000 and... (to break) into the same branch of one particular shop three times in one week. 15. After the jury... (to listen) to all the evidence, they... (to find) both the men guilty. 16. The appointment of the Prime Minister already... (to approve) by the Queen? 17. The votes yet... (not to count) so the winner... (to declare). 18. The election campaign usually... (to last) for about three weeks with large-scale press, radio and television coverage. 19. The executive branch of American government... (to head) by the President.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 669 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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