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Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian

1. Republic is based upon the consent of the people who are governed. 2. The decision of the majority is accepted by all. 3. The delegates at the Constitutional Convention decided to establish a federal system of government. 4. The powers of government are divided between a national government and state governments. 5. The number of Justices, or judges, of the Supreme Court has been fixed at nine since 1869. 6. The rights are written into the Constitution and must be respected by the government. 7. Before any bill is considered by Congress, it is carefully studied by a standing committee. 8. The different kinds of laws are used by courts to help settle disputes: disputes between people, between people and the government, and between governments are brought before a court. 9. American ambassadors and consuls are tried in federal courts if they are accused of breaking the laws of the nation in which they are stationed.10. The work of American national government is divided among three separate branches 11. To make voting easier for our citizens, counties, cities, and wards are divided into voting districts called precincts. 12. In celebration of the nation’s 200th anniversary, the Liberty Bell was moved to its own glass building, there it is viewed by many thousands of visitors each year.13. Two well-known symbols – the donkey and the elephant – were first used as symbols of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party by the cartoonist Thomas Nast.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 315 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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