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Exercise 5. Open the brackets. Use the Present, Past, Future Perfect

1. The investigator already... (to collect) evidence on the case. 2. The state and public organizations... (to discuss) the Draft of the Constitution before in became a law. 3. The House of Commons... (to pass) the amendment by the end of the week. 4. The criminal just... (to plead) guilty. 5. The attorney... (not to prepare) his speech for the trial yet. 6. We thanked the policeman for everything he... (to do). 7. The judge already... (to announce) the sentence when we came into the courtroom. 8. My bicycle isn’t here any more. Somebody... (to steal) it. 9. The jury already... (to reach) a decision? 10. This scientist... (to publish) his article by next month.

Exercise 6. Open the brackets. Use the Present, Past, Future Perfect Continuous.

1. He... (to serve) as a judge for 20 years already. 2. How long you... (to wait for) me? 3. The writers of the Constitution knew that the plan of government they... (to create) would have to meet the changing needs of a growing nation. 4. My uncle... (to work) in the House of Representatives for two years already. 5. The people became dissatisfied how their representatives... (to govern) them. 6. The number of women in the Senate... (to increase) recently. 7. He... (to drive) the automobile for 20 years by next month. 8. They... (not to hold) another trial of the case yet. 9. The court... (to decide) these cases for six months by next Monday. 10. He... (to take) a practical interest in politics.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 463 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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