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The Three Branches of Government

The national government is often called the federal government. It is important to remember that the term “federal government” refers to the national government, which is centered in Washington, D.C. The term “federal system” is used to refer to the entire system of government and includes both the federal government and the 50 state governments.

Under the federal system, the federal government is given certain important powers. All powers that are not given to the federal government remain with the states.

There are several provisions in the Constitution designed to prevent any person or group of people, or any part of the government, from taking too much power. Federal system divides powers between the national and state governments. Another provision of the Constitution sets up three separate branches, or divisions, in the federal government.

This rather old three-way division of power is known as the separation of powers. It ensures that no branch of the federal government can become too powerful. Each branch of the government has powers that check, or limit a little, the powers of the two other branches. The Constitution balances the President’s power. It does so by giving Congress the power to pass good laws over the President’s veto.

The three branches of government are the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch. They were created by the first three articles of the United States Constitution.

Legislative Branch. Article 1 of the Constitution established Congress as the legislative branch, or law-making branch, of the government. Congress is made up of two houses – the Senate (the smaller part) and the House of Representatives (the larger part).

The writers of the Constitution placed great emphasis on Congress. It is the first branch of government mentioned in the Constitution. The workings of Congress are described in greater detail than either of the other two branches of the federal government. In addition, the other branches must depend on Congress for the money they need to carry out their responsibilities.

Executive Branch. The executive branch, described by Article 2 of the Constitution, is responsible for seeing that the nation’s laws are carried out. It is headed by the President, who is the nation’s Chief Executive. The executive branch also includes the Vice President and many other people who help the President carry out the executive duties. As nation’s Chief Executive, the President represents all the American people.

Judicial Branch. Article 3 established the judicial branch, or federal court system, to judge the laws and punish lawbreakers. The Constitution makes the Supreme Court the head of the judicial branch. The Constitution also gives Congress the power to establish lower federal courts to help carry out the work of the judicial branch. The Supreme Court can declare a law invalid if it is in conflict with the Constitution.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 297 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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