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IV Business Trends

Move up Move down Move in various directions No change
rise plummet fluctuate level out
peak plunge   bottom
grow decline   remain stable
increase decrease   remain steady
improve drop   stabilise
go up fall    
pick up      
shoot up      

V Visual Aids.

A.l - diagram; 2 - histogram/ bar graph; 3 - line graph; 4 - picture; 5 - table; 6 - column;

7 - row; 8 - pie chart; 9 - segment; 10 - flow chart; 11 - plan; 12 - map.

B.a) solid line; b) dotted line; c) broken line; d) vertical axis; e) horizontal axis; f) curve;

g) fluctuating line; h) undulating line.

VI. Describing trends. 1 - volatile; 2-а slight recovery; 3 - outperformed; 4 - bullish;
5 - bearish; 6. peaked; 7 - sluggish; 8 - firmed up; 9 - plummeted; 10 - fluctuated;

11 - slipped; 12 - unpredictable; 13 - remained constant; 14 - picked up; 15 - subdued.

VII. The Language of Graphs. 1 - vertical axis; 2 - units; 3 - curve; 4 - stand at;
5 - downward trend, drop, fall, bearish market; 6 - reach a low, slump;

7 - remain constant; 8 - bullish market, upward trend, rise; 9 - fluctuations; 10 - horizontal axis; 11 - peak; 12 - level off.

UNIT 11. III. Hiring and Firing. 1 - career; 2 - recruited; 3 - sacked; 4 - fired; 5 - promoted; 6 -

UNEMPLOYMENT demoted; 7 - made redundant; 8 - appointed; 9 - dismissed; 10 - retired.

IV Employment and Job Hunting. 1 - earn; 2 - bonus; 3 - career; 4 - promotion; 5 -
experience; 6 - hire; 7 - interview; 8 - performance; 9 - apply; 10 - recruitment; 11 -
salary; 12 - shortlist; 13 - training; 14 - candidate; 15 - CV; 16 - human resources; 17 -

V 1 - a; 2 - b; 3 - b; 4 - c; 5 - c; 6 - b; 7 - a; 8 - b; 9 - c; 10 - b.

VII. Phrasal verbs. 1 - handed over; 2 - shot up; 3 - heading for; 4 - walked out; 5 -
Make...out; 6 - take...off; 7 - get through; 8 - put off; 9 - hold on; 10 - called off; 11 -
threw out; 12 - bringing out; 13 - broke down; 14 - write...off; 15 - went into.

VIII. Opposites. B. 1 - cancel; 2 - send; 3 - close; 4 - asset; 5 - borrow; 6 - fire; 7 - shrink;
8 - succeed; 9 - sell; 10 - loss; 11 - creditor; 12 - rise.

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