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Task C2

You have 30 minutes to do the task.

This is part of a letter you received from your English pen friend Lisa, who writes:

…I’m going to start taking up sport because I like to take care of my health. I’m not sure what activities will be useful for me and what should I start from? What should I do? What do you think about it? Is that a good idea for me?...By the way, do you have any experience going in for sports?

Write a letter to Rebecca.

In your letter you must:

● give her advice and explain why you have this opinion

● answer her question

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Remember to write the address.

Write your answer in 100-140 words.

Раздел 5. «Говорение»

Task C3

You have 1 minute to prepare the task.

Your faculty is going to open a new students’ club to help students get to know each other.

You have 4-5 minutes to exchange ideas with your friend and decide which club you think would be most popular:

Drama Club

Computer Club

Sport Club

Film Club

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your friend. Remember to be polite and active:

start the conversation by explaining the situation

– discuss all the ideas, explaining why you think so

come up with ideas

agree or disagree with your friend

find out your friend’s opinion

– come to an agreement

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 242 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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