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Television in UKRAINE

The most popular entertainment in Ukrainian home life today is television. It has become one of the most important facts of modern life. Television is very much a part of the modern world. Its effects are felt all over the world.

Television is a reflection of the modern world, say some people. It shows contemporary society. It affects customs and culture, other say. Television is bad for culture because it keeps culture from growing, say still others.

Good or bad, television is difficult to avoid. Its pictures enter homes, stores, airports and factories.

In Ukraine people have a choice between many TV channels. News is broadcast at regular intervals and there are panel discussions of current events, both national and international. Operas, ballets, music concert and variety shows are presented at various times. In the late afternoon and early evening TV stations show specials programmes for children. It the evenings and at weekend there are broadcasts of sports events. A large part of TV evening time is often occupied by serials – films which appear on television in parts daily or at intervals.

The channels of Ukrainian television keep people informed about current events, the latest achievement in science and culture and offer some programmes which are both informative and entertaining. But they also offer a lot of trivial programmes the poor quality of which is criticized by viewers. There is also concern about the negative effects of some TV shows in which scenes of violence and crime are presented.

Commercial television gets its money from advertising. The programmes on these channels are financed by different companies, which, however do not have anything to do with the arrangement or content of these programmes. They just “buy time” to advertise their products and the viewers have to watch advertisements for petrol, washing machines, soap and many other items which they do not require between and during programmes. In other words Ukrainian TV serves the interest of big business.

Prime time programmes are the most expensive. The commercials take up approximately 8 minutes of an average television hour. The aim of the sponsors is to support the most popular programmes. These include shows featuring well-known stars, westerns, comedies, movies, spy shows, live sports programmes, quiz shows and soap operas.

Better quality and more channels are offered to Ukrainian viewers by cable TV. Right now it is technically possible to deliver on the cable with more than 100 channels to every home with a TV set, and, there are, at present, special cable TV stations: such as “Volya”, “Vika-TV” and some others in Kyiv.

Text-based exercises

Exercise III. Answer the following questions:

1. How many TV channels are there in Ukraine?

2. Is that true, that many programmes are similar?

3. is a quiz programme a question and answer competition?

4. Do they offer money to the winners?

5. are there any educational programmes on Ukrainian TV?

6. What is your mother’s favourite TV programme?

7. does the arrangement of TV programmes satisfy you?

8. What are the main negative features of Ukrainian television?

9. Is it pleasant or not for a viewer when a programme stops for advertisements? Why?

Exercise IV. Give English equivalents:

Популярна програма, канал, головні події, зарубіжний фільм, задоволення, дивитися програму, фінансуватися, заробляти гроші на рекламі, глядач, служити бізнесу, прилюдне обговорення, вечірні години, займати, з’являтися.

Grammar exercises

Exercise V. Translate the following sentences paying attention to be following derivatives:

Infomercial, inform, informal, information, informative, informed.

1. Infomercial is a long advertisement on television that gives a lot of information about the subject.

2. Please inform us of any changes of address.

3. Discussions are held on an informal basic within the department.

4. the programme was both informative and entertaining.

5. Keep me informed of any developments.

Exercise VI. Fill in the gaps with correct words in English and translate the sentences:

1. Broadcasting companies often (виробляють) programmes that portray violence, sex, the use of drugs.

2. he foresees that 70% of the citizen (буде виховувати) mainly by television.

3. Some people (проводять) so much time watching TV.

4. They watch TV (за рахунок) of theirs health.

5. Since television has been introduced into our home life we go to the cinemas (менш) often.

Exercise VII. Translate into English:

1. Я сподіваюсь, що зможу поліпшити свою вимову завдяки цим цікавим урокам.

2. Моя сестра вміє шити, в’язати і вишивати.

3. Я можу годинами слухати радіо та дивитись телевізор.

4. Ти маєш знати це правило напам’ять.

5. Я маю вже йти до театру.

6. Дозвольте подивитися ці марки та листівки.

7. Вам слід більше ходити в кіно.

8. ти повинен спалити ці листи та забути про них.

9. Їй не треба було брати дитину в кіно.

10. Вам слід би читати більше англійських книжок.

Exercise VIII. Identify the subject and the object in these sentences. Then rewrite them in the passive:

1. John Mills prepares an expedition to the North Pole.

2. many TV networks will film the expedition.

3. they are going to show the expedition on the national television.

4. John Mills bought all the necessary equipment.

5. He is going to set up an observation camp there.

6. Many people raised objection to this expedition.

Exercise IX. Supply some or any:

1. I’ve got … English journals at home.

2. We haven’t got … offers from British companies.

3. Petrenko has got … good pictures of London.

4. have you got … catalogues to look thought today?

5. I’d like … tea with milk.

6. Nancy hasn’t got … books about Kyiv.

Exercise X. In the following sentences:

a) put in the correct form of do

b) say whether do used as a “full” or “special” verb

1. He … that exercise yesterday.

2. Have you … what I told you?

3. He … not listen to what I say.

4. Ann ought to … better then that.

5. … you like cabbage? No, I ….

6. … you give the gardener his money?

7. I am … my best.

8. he must … this exercise again.

9. The soldiers have … their duty bravely.

Exercise XI. Supply the correct article where necessary:

1. The Seller offered us … 3% discount, but … discount did not suit us.

2. There is … heavy demand for the compressors of the new model as they are of very high quality.

3. …. British company was interested in buying machines Model A 17 from … Ukraine.

4. They sent … enquire to our company.

5. We went to discuss … terms of … contract.

Exercise XII. Make the following interrogative and negative:

1. There is a bookshop in this street.

2. there are some pictures on the wall.

3. There was somebody in the corridor.

4. there were some people in the room.

Speech exercises

Exercise XIII. Make up sentences, read and translate them:

Pattern: Let’s meet next Tuesday.

let us(let's) read this book
  my brother  

Exercise XIV. Say and respond as in the model:

- I'd like to discuss some business matters with you.

- I'm busy now. Let's discuss them after lunch.

Prompts: 1. to look through the now catalogues; 2. to show the equipment, to our customers; 3. to write letters to some foreign companies; 4. to translate this letter into English 5. to listen to new stereo records; 6. to go to the park.

Exercise XV. Say as in the model:

Pattern: to be interested in going sth.

We are interested in buying machines from a French company

Prompts:to buy equipment from British companies; 2. to sell telephone equipment to Blake and Co; 3. to buy new machines from Smith and Co; 4. to receive offers from British companies; 5. to do business with GML; 6. to make contracts with French.

Exercise XVI.

a) Read the dialogue:

A British company was interested in buying machines Model A 17 from the Ukraine. They sent an enquiry to Ukrainimport. After Mr. Green, manager of the company, received a quotation from Ukrainimport he contracted Mr. Basov to discuss the terms of the contract.

Green: Good morning, Mr. Basov.
Basov: Good morning, Mr. Green. Take a seat. A cigarette?
Green: Yes, please. You see, Mr. Basov, we've studied your quotation and the terms of the contract. I must say, that your prices are not attractive to us. They are too high. On you give us a discount for a large order?
Basov: That's a problem. This is our usual, price and as the quality of our machines is very high we are heavy with order at thisprice. But as we have done n lot of business with you we can give you a small discount.
Green: We'd like to have a discount of 7%.
Basov: I'd afraid that is impossible. We can offer you a 2% discount. Can you accept it?
Green: I think so if you agree to FOB terms of delivery.
Basov: No problem, Mr. Green. We can do if it suits you.
Green: Thank you.

b) Say what you have learned from the dialogues about:

1. the price for the machines; 2.the discount Basov agreed to give to the Buyer?

Exercise XVII.

a) Act out the dialogue between Mr. Green and Mr. Basov Discuss the price and discount.

b) Think and answer:

1. Why did Mr. Green's company want to buy the machines from Ukrainexport?

2. Why were the prices of Ukrainexport too high for the buyers?

Exercise XVIII. Answer the following questions:

1. What countries do you do business with?

2. What kinds of goods do you sell?

3. There is aheavy demand for your goods, isn't there? Why?

4. On what terms do you deliver the goods to your buyers?

5. Can foreign companies always accept your delivery terms?

6. When did you have talks last?

7. What goods were you interested in?

8. Was the price attractive to you or was it too high?

9. What discount did the seller offer you?

10. Did you agree to this discount or not? Why?

11. What terms of payment suited you?

Exercise XIX. Speak on the topic:

“Discussing the price”

Unit seven

Grammar: 1. Review of tenses

2. Modals (to have to, to be to)

3. Indefinite Pronouns (much, many, few, little)

4. Preposition of Time

Pre-reading exercises

Exercise I. Pronounce the following words:

Trip – подорож; Customs – митниця; Arrangement – домовленість; On business – у справі; By ship – кораблем; By train – потягом; Voyage – подорож морем, річкою; Cruise – подорож морем; Tour – подорож; Opportunity – змога; Landscape – ландшафт; Safety – безпека; Result in – приводити до; Palpable – помітний; Increase – ріст; Agency – агентство.

Exercise II. Pronounce the following word combinations:

Go on tour – відправлятися у турпоїздку;

go via – їхати через;

passport control – паспортний контроль;

means of transportation – засоби перевезення;

to be short of time – не мати часу;

travel through – подорожувати через;

package tour – тур пакетом;

declaration form – декларація;

personal use – особисте використання.


Read closely the text, translate it into Ukrainian and try to retell it:

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