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Present Indefinite Passive

+ ? -
  I am He She is It +Ved/V3 We You are They   Am I He She is It +Ved/V3 We You are They I He She was It +Ved/V3 We You were They

3.1You are reporting about the research on US universities. An American exchange student agrees with you.


Cadet: Colleges and universities provide higher education in the USA.

Student: I think (suppose, guess, believe, consider, am sure) you are right. Colleges and universities provide higher education in the USA.

Cadet: Half of all secondary school graduates enter colleges and universities.


Cadet: Each year three million students graduate from US high schools.

A big number of them apply to universities and colleges.

Only about one million of school graduates are admitted to universities.

80 percent of the college students attend public institutions.

The executive head of a college or a university is called the president.

Members of the faculty hold academic ranks.

Students study four or five major subjects per year.

If a student fails a course, he repeats only that course.

A college or university grants a bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree.

3.2 A university student does not have any ideaabout a law enforcement training Academy. Correct his statements.


Student: I think the Academy prepares trainees for careers in the court system.

Cadet: I believe (suppose, guess, think, consider, am sure) you are wrong. The Academy doesn’t prepare trainees for careers in court system. It prepares trainees to serve in law enforcement, corrections, court security.

Student: I think the course of training at the Academy lasts for four years.


Student: I believe the Police Academy consists of many colleges.

I am sure each trainee attends foreign language classes.

I guess the curriculum provides liberal arts education.

I suppose the Academy grants a degree.

I believe each trainee discusses his essay with the tutor once a week.


Student: I believe classes at the Academy start at 9 in the morning.

Cadet: I think you are wrong. Classes at the Academy don’t start at 9.They start at 6 in the morning.


Ithink that trainees of US regional academies live in dormitories.

I know the trainees learn only law enforcement skills.

I suppose they deal mainly with physical fitness training.

I consider they pay tuition.

I am sure that during course of their studies the trainees spend most of the time in the libraries.


Student: I guess most of the time the trainees are taught in lecture halls.

Cadet: I suppose you are wrong. The trainees are not taught in lecture halls most of the time. They are also taught in a simulated environment.

Student: I know that only male applicants are admitted to the Academy. Cadet:________________________________.


I am sure the US police academies are headed by Presidents.

I believe the trainees are taught mainly by professors.

I think law enforcement education in the USA is provided by universities.

I guess the trainees are given scholarships.

I suppose the trainees are tested only at the end of the course.

I know that they are trained in firearmsmost of the time.

3.3 Place the words in the appropriate order to make sentences.

a) 1,000 majors / colleges / offer /and / universities / American / more than

b) educational / funding /The government / programs / federal /provides / for

c) American / apply / When / the university?/ high school /do /graduates / to

d) Graduate school / consists / colleges / The ULL / of / nine / and

e) schools / charge / American / not / tuition /public /do

f) a “Flagship Academy”/ The Academy / named / is / and / reaccredited

g) languages / offered / the trainees / Foreign / not / are / to

h) energy / computing / The ULL / highly / environment / ranked in / is / nursing

i) have / system / The / not / national / a / school / United States / does

j) courses / In-Service / their / Veteran officers / law enforcement training / through / and / Command Staff / training / continue / their

k) year? / enforcement / many / are / How / each / offered /topics / law

l) courses / field / College / do / only / major / not / students / take / in.

m)“Electives”/ required /by /courses / are / not / chosen / the student /that /are / but

n) the Academy / eLearning / programs?/ web-based / Does / provide /and/ training

3.4 Open the brackets putting the verbs in the appropriate tense-form.

Harvard University (belong / belongs) to Ivy League Universities which are elite and most prestigious in the USA and (groups / are grouped / is grouped) according to certain characteristics. Some institutions (call / calls / are called) “Public Ivies”. A “Public Ivy” is a state-assisted institution which (offer / is offered /offers) a superior education at a cost far below that of Ivy League schools.

The term “Ivy League” (associates / is associated /associate) with eight elite institutions of higher education, which (is known / knows / are known / know) as the oldest in the nation (e.g. Columbia University, Princeton University, Yale University). All of the institutions (locate / are located / locates) in the north-east of the United States.

They (are provided / provide / provides) excellent education and (attracts/ attract /are attracted) upper-class students and faculty. Moreover they constantly (place / are placed / places) at the top of all rankings by famous editions. Another characteristic of these universities is that they are privately owned.

3.5 Guess and fill in the missing questions!

a) _____________________________

Yes, all US states require young people to attend school.

b) _____________________________

Yes, every state has its own university.

c) _____________________________

A university typically comprises several colleges, graduate programs, one or more professional schools (e.g. a law school) and research facilities.

d) _____________________________

Yes, Americans often use the word “college” for either a college or a university.

e) ______________________________

Students study four or five major subjects per year.

f) _______________________________

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is situated in the city of Lafayette – the heart of Cajun Country.

g) _______________________________

Students are classified as freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors.

h) _______________________________

Besides classroom activities, young police officers deal with Officer Safety Training, skills of self-defense and intensive physical training.

i) _______________________________

Only a third year student begins an intensive study of his major.

j) _______________________________

Undergraduate teaching in Oxford is centered on the tutorial system.

3.6 Transform (where possible) the statements from active into passive.

a) Making a decision takes a lot of time. When you choose your path after high school graduation, you ask many questions. You discuss the problem of a university choice with your friends, relatives and teachers. As a rule they consider many factors for example: tuition and quality of the faculty. As for the university, it also examines your papers such as: the results of the SAT, recommendations, personal qualities.

b) Since 1974, they divide the College of Liberal Arts into the College of Arts, Humanities and Behavioral Sciences and the College of Biological, Mathematical and Physical Sciences. At present the college provides 15 programs in communication, communicative disorders, criminal justice, English, history and geography, modern languages, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology and anthropology. Bachelor's degrees are offered in these areas. The criminal justice department offers an associate of science degree. The departments of English, history, modern languages, communicative disorders and psychology offer master's degrees. The English department also awards doctoral degrees and the college grants one of only three doctorates in Francophone Studies in the world.

3.7 Find 9 mistakes in the text and correct them in written form.

The Academy staff consist of highly skilled and dedicated law enforcement trainers who is committed to providing the highest quality training to police personnel. The Academy provide training in both basic recruit classes and for ongoing career development for veteran officers, supervisors, and commanders. The recruit basic training program last for 20-24 weeks and are consist of a wide variety of training topics. These topics are include instruction in patrol topics, investigations, corrections, forensics, traffic, Constitutional and Criminal law, use of force, terrorism, defensive tactics, physical fitness, ethics, and leadership. 20 instructors assigned to the academy as instructional staff for 3-year intervals. A teaching position at the Academy are highly prestigious. Once assigned, each staff member provided additional training to improve the basis of his or her knowledge.

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