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Lead-in. 1.1 Look at the pictures and say which one shows the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL

1.1 Look at the pictures and say which one shows the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL), Harvard and the Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Training Academy (NVCJA)?

Model: ULL is on the (left, right, middle) picture.

1.2 Think and guess which institution

– boasts fourty Nobel laureates;

– offers over 130 classes;

– is ranked as one of the nation’s best institutions for undergraduate education;

– was established in 1636 to provide a literate ministry (духовенство);

– prepares individuals for careers in law enforcement;

– is a national model for other training academies;

– is the oldest higher education institution in the United States;

– is named after a young minister, who left his family library and half of his estate to the newly born college;

– is a private university;

– provides exceptional training to public-safety personnel;

– has a large campus with a lake that is home to several alligators;

– provides excellent education and attracts upper-class students and faculty.

Model: I suppose that Harvard ___________________.

1.3 Listen and match the pictures with the description of the education institution. Check your answers.

1.4 Copy and complete the table. Look at your notes and talk about each institutionof higher education.

Official title Foundation date Location Mission Teaching staff   Students (trainees)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 187 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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