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Читання буквосполучень wh, ph, gh, qu

Буквосполучення Звук Примітка Приклади
wh [ h ] перед о who, whose, whom, whole
[ w ] В інших випадках when, which, why, while
ph [ f ] зустрічається тільки в словах грецького походження phone, photo, physics
gh   Після ударної голосної не вимовляється night, daughter, taught
[ f ] В кінці слова enough, rough, tough
qu [ kw ]   quite, quick
wr [ r ]   write, wry

Запам’ятайте читання слів:

who [ hu: ]

whom [ hu:m ]

whose [ hu:z ]

what [ wot ]

Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

Write, wreck, eight, phase, wrist, taught, caught, phonetics, high, wrote, fight, when,white, flight, whick, whether, phrase, whoop, whole, quick, quack.

Вплив букви “w” та “qu” на читання букв “a” і “o”

a після w, qu в закритому складі a після w, qu у відкритому складі ow після w
[ ] [ : ] [ ei ] [ : ]
want, was, quarter quake, wage, wave work, world, worth

Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова:

Watt, wash, watch, quality, quantity, warm, ward, quarter, warm, ward, quarter, worm, worse, war, quake, worth, wage, worst, warp.

Ex.3. Прочитайте словосполучення:

A quarter past five, high quality, cold war, the whole world, to watch TV, some words, was late, cold water, wash her face, to go to work, to work hard, all over the world, to work at a plant, to work at school, goods of poor quality, quantum of energy.

Урок 7

Читання букви “e”

ee, ea ie ea + d, v, th, lth В позаударному складі ear + приголосна ear, eer, e+r+ голосна ew
[ i: ] [ i: ] [ e ] [ i ] [ : ] [ i ] [ju:]/[u:]
feel beam meal feat piece chief field shield head heavy breath health edit enemy medical heard earth search   ear here mere sphere new few grew

Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

[ i: ] - meet, mean, me, see, he, clean, cheese, cheap, bean, beast, need, peace, beef, believe, peak, beat, sheet, reach, shield, seem, seed, weak, we, wheel, wheat, weep, green, dean.

[ e ] - bed, beg, check, breath, bread, death, feather, dead, fresh, help, thread, heather, wealth, ready

[ : ] - her, term, earth, pearl, heard, earl, earn, hearse, search, serve, stern, reserve, nerve, perch.

[ i ] - fear, ear, dear, bear, here, clear, shear, sheer

[ ju: ] - new, stew, dew, screw, pew, Newton, flew, blew, drew,

[ u: ] - clew

Ex.2. Прочитайте наступні слова і поясніть правила читання “e”

Set, serve, heavy, Pete, be, beard, free, here, even, clear, bed, beef, head, eagle, term, egg, lest, she, complete, severe, weep, least, prefer, seem, search, mere, lead, green, get, reserve, nerve, dear, health, theme, defect, emit, heat, defense, death, bread, feel.

Урок 8

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