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Chief public holidays in the United States

Each state has its national holidays which are dedicated to the important dates in the establishment and history of the country, interesting customs and traditions all its own.

Americans share some holidays such as Easter, Christmas and New Year's Day with other countries of the world. Here are public holidays which are celebrated only by the Americans.


New Year's Day

Most Americans spend the final hours of the old year and the first hours of the new year celebrating with their families or friends. Champagne — the drink that traditionally symbolizes an important event is often served for the midnight toast on New Year's Eve.

One of the noisiest celebrations takes place on the Times Square in New York City. The crowd, joined by millions of Americans across the country at their TV sets, watch the traditional Huge Apple (emblem of New York) strike midnight.

February, 12.

Lincoln's Birthday

February, 15.

Washington's Birthday

Americans consider birthdays of their outstanding citizens George Washington and Abraham Lincoln public holidays.

Washington is called "the father of the nation" for he was the first president of the United States of America. The capital of the country, Washington D. C., was named in his honour and was moved from Philadelphia.

Abraham Lincoln is considered by many the greatest of all American heroes. During his term as President the Civil War broke out. The most outstanding achievements of the Lincoln presidencywere the preservation of the Union and the abolition of slavery.

May, 30.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 448 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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