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Responsibilities of All Travel Agency, Travel Professional, International Travel Agency and International Travel Professional Members:

1.__________. ASTA members will be factual and accurate when providing information about their services and the services of any firm they represent.

2.__________. ASTA members will provide in writing complete details about the cost, restrictions, and other terms and conditions, of any travel service sold.

3._________. ASTA members will promptly respond to their clients' complaints.

4._________. ASTA members will treat every client transaction confidentially and not disclose any information without permission of the client, unless required by law.

5.__________. ASTA members will not falsely represent a person's affiliation with their firm.

6.__________. ASTA members will not allow any preferred relationship with a supplier to interfere with the interests of their clients.

7.__________. ASTA members operating tours will advise the agent or client who reserved the space of any change in itinerary, services, features or price.

8.__________. ASTA members operating tours will provide all components as stated in their brochure or written confirmation, or provide alternate services of equal or greater value, or provide appropriate compensation.

9.__________. An ASTA member shall not provide travel agent credentials to any person as to whom there is no reasonable expectation that the person will engage in a bona fide effort to sell or manage the sale of travel services to the general public on behalf of the member through the period of validity of such credentials. This principle applies to the ASTA member and all affiliated or commonly controlled enterprises.

Task 6. Read the text carefully and find the Russian equivalents for the following phrases:

посредством успешного представительства в промышленности и в правительстве;

как найти надежное туристическое агентство;

предоставляя информацию;

другие условия;

реагировать на жалобы клиентов;

не передавать информацию без разрешения клиента;

обеспечивать выполнение всех пунктов договора;

Task 7. Write the Rules for a travel agency according to the sample (Modal verbs will help you).


ASTA members will be factual and accurate when providing information about their services and the services of any firm they represent. A travel agency must be factual and accurate when providing information about the service and the services of any firm they represent.

ASTA members will provide in writing complete details about the cost, restrictions, and other terms and conditions, of any travel service sold. - …..

ASTA members will promptly respond to their clients' complaints. - …

ASTA members will treat every client transaction confidentially and not disclose any information without permission of the client, unless required by law. - …

ASTA members will not falsely represent a person's affiliation with their firm. - …

ASTA members will not allow any preferred relationship with a supplier to interfere with the interests of their clients. - …

ASTA members operating tours will advise the agent or client who reserved the space of any change in itinerary, services, features or price. - …

ASTA members operating tours will provide all components as stated in their brochure or written confirmation, or provide alternate services of equal or greater value, or provide appropriate compensation. - …

An ASTA member shall not provide travel agent credentials to any person as to whom there is no reasonable expectation that the person will engage in a bona fide effort to sell or manage the sale of travel services to the general public on behalf of the member through the period of validity of such credentials. - …

Task8. Match the responsibilities with the positions.

Chief executive officer (CEO)/t∫i:f ig’zekjutiv ‘ofisə/– исполняющий директор,

Vice President /’vais ‘president/ вице-президент,

Secretary /’sekretari/ - секретарь,

Treasurer /’trezəre/ - финансовый директор,

Immediate Past President /I’midieit past ‘president/ - помощник президента,

Executive Vice President /ig’zekjutiv ‘vais ‘president/ - исполнительный вице-президент

_____________ must serve with oversight of the policy activities of the officers, chapter officials, committees, and staff of ASTA. He should preside at meetings of the members, and shall be ex officio chair of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee. He has to assure that the directives of the Board are carried out in accordance with the Bylaws.

____________ must assist the President & Chief Executive Officer in the performance of that officer’s duties, and should perform the duties of the President & Chief Executive Officer in his absence or during periods of disability.

____________ must have oversight of the custody of ASTA’s papers, minutes, notices, resolutions, and other official records. He should also certify the results of elections and other membership votes, administrative matters related to the Bylaws and amendments, other aspects of corporate governance, and chapter and Area administration. He has to be responsible for authenticating ASTA’s official records, and shall affix his signature to attest to the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors and the Board’s Executive Committee.

_____________ must have oversight of all ASTA’s financial affairs, including budget, financial reports, dues collection, safekeeping of assets, investments, and audits.

____________ must assist the officers, Board of Directors, and ASTA officials, committees, and staff in the performance of their duties.

____________ must serve as the chief administrative officer and should supervise the daily activities of ASTA, including the selection, retention, discipline, and direction of the ASTA staff implementing ASTA’s policies established by the Board of Directors. He has to provide the necessary staff assistance to the officers in the performance of their duties.

Task 9. Read and learn the new words/phrases by heart.

Shareholder /’∫eə’houldə/ акционер
Chairperson /’t∫e’pə:sən/ председатель
Senior /’si:niə/ старший
Public relations (PR) /’pablik ri’lei∫nz/ отдел по связям с общественностью
Information technology (IT) /’infə’mei∫n tek’noləgzi/ отдел информационных технологий
Finance /fai’næns/ финансовый отдел
Hierarchy /’haiə’ra:ki/ иерархия
To head /hed/ возглавлять
To be responsible for /bi: res’ponsibl fo:/ быть ответственным за…
To be in charge of /bi: in ‘t∫a:dz əv/ быть ответственным за…

Task 10. Translate the words/phrases without looking at the table.

Быть ответственным за…



Совет директоров

Финансовый отдел



Отдел по связям с общественностью

Отдел информационных технологий

Task11. Complete the suggested text about the structure of the company “Swisscom Group” with the words from the previous task.

At the top of the company hierarchy is the ______________, headed by the ________. The Board is responsible ____ policy and strategy. It appoints a CEO or _________________, who has overall responsibility for the running of the business. _______ managers head the various departments within the company.

The department of ________________________ is responsible for the future policy of the company.

The ________________________ is in charge of finance and different transactions.

The ________________________ is sometimes called public relations department.

The ________________________is in close contact with the workforce of the company.

(taken from http://www.swisscom.com)

Task 12. Answer the question “What are your pieces of advice on traveling abroad?” The following information will help you (your own ideas are welcome). Don’t forget to use modal verbs!

The British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matter with a drink during the meal; the Japanese prefer not to work while eating. Lunch is a time to relax and get to know one another, and they rarely drink at lunchtime. In Japan you should not have business and discuss business matter with a drink during the meal.

The Germans like to talk business before dinner; the French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything. - …

American executives sometimes signal their feelings of ease and importance in their offices by putting the feet on the desk whilst on the telephone. In Japan, people would be shocked. Showing the soles of your feet is the height of the bad manners. It is a social insult only exceeded by blowing your nose in public. - …

The Japanese have perhaps the strictest rules of social and business behavior. Seniority is very important, and a younger man should never be sent to complete a business deal with an older Japanese man. The Japanese business card almost needs a rulebook of it own. You must exchange business cards immediately on meeting because it is essential to establish everyone’s status and position. - …

When it is handed to a person in a superior position, it must be given and received with both hands, and you must take time to read it carefully, and not just put it in your pocket! Also the bow is very important part of greeting someone. You should not expect the Japanese to shake hands. Bowing the head is a mark of respect and the first bow of the day should be lower than you meet there after. - …


Task 1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal verb.

  1. ..… you wait a moment, please?
    1. can
    2. should
    3. must
    4. need
  2. Jack..… go to hospital yesterday.

a. must

b. should

c. had to

d. has to

  1. ..… I have one of these cakes?

a. could

b. must

c. have to

d. may

  1. I ….. to work tomorrow.

a. must

b. should

c. could

d. have

  1. I ….. leave the party early last night. I wasn’t very well.

a. have to

b. was to

c. had to

d. must

  1. We haven’t got much time. We ….. hurry.

a. must

b. needn’t

c. can

d. should

  1. I understand it very well. You..… explain further.

a. shouldn’t

b. don’t have to

c. mustn’t

d. needn’t

  1. Sue ….. be able to help them.

a. might

b. could

c. should

d. will

  1. It’s a secret. You ….. tell anyone.

a. shouldn’t

b. needn’t

c. can’t

d. mustn’t

10.Hello,..… I speak to Tom, please?

a. need

b. may

c. can

d. must

Task 2. Match the heading with the extract.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 208 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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