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Module 2. Professions are so Different

Task1. Study the information below and complete the sentences with the appropriate forms.

To profess /prə’fes/

-ion – profession /prə’fe∫ən /

-ional – professional / prə’fe∫inəl /

-ism – professionalism / prə’fe∫inəlizm/

  1. He is a _____ driver.
  2. Historically the number of _______ was limited.
  3. They ________ geography.
  4. Russian sportsmen are ________.
  5. The execution of some duty at a high level is called __.

Task 2. Study the information below and choose the appropriate word. Sometimes more than one option is possible.

Profession – профессия.

Work – работа как процесс, неисчисляемое существительное используется с определенным артиклем the или без артикля.

Career – карьера.

Occupation – род деятельности, занятие, работа (в официальных документах, контрактах, договорах).

Job – работа, которую Вы выполняете, чтобы заработать средства для существования.

  1. She has a ________ as a restaurant manager.
  2. -Where is Dana?

-She is at _______.

  1. She is a geographer by _____________.
  2. She is making her ________ in geography.
  3. A question in an application form: What is your current ________ and salary?

Task 3. Study the phrases with the word job. Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrase from the box.

a full-time job – работа на полную ставку.

a part-time job – работа на почасовую ставку.

jobless – безработный.

apply for a job – подавать заявление о приеме на работу.

get a job – получать работу.

job opportunities – возможности трудоустройства.

A full-time job, a part-time job, jobless, apply for a job, job opportunities
  1. Moscow provides a lot of __________.
  2. If a person persistently ________, he’ll get a job.
  3. People without work are called ___________.
  4. Nowadays some students have ______________, as according to our constitution teenagers are forbidden to work more than 5 hours.
  5. If you work 8 hours a day at some company, it means you have _________________.

Task4. Translate the words/phrases into English.



возможности трудоустройства



работа на почасовую ставку


занятие на полную ставку

получить работу

подавать заявление на работу

Task 5. Complete the sentences with the words from the previous tasks.

  1. In order to get a __________ one should graduate from a University.
  2. In Russia a number of __________ people is constantly increasing.
  3. A person is considered to be unemployed if he or she doesn’t have a ________.
  4. Geographers ________ in many private and public sectors.
  5. Your specialization in geography provides a lot of ____________ in different fields.
  6. If a person spends 6-8 hours a day at an office 5 days a week, then he or she has a ___________.
  7. If a person spends less than 6-7 hours at an office or doesn’t work 5 days a week, then he or she has a ______________.
  8. People who look for jobs ____________.
  9. People complete many application forms such as CV, resume, when they _____________.
  10. At an interview a person may be asked about his/her previous ___________.
  11. Ambitious people usually make a good ______.

Task 6. Read and learn the new words/phrases by heart.

specific /spi’sifik/ специфический
sociologist /’sousi’olədzist/ социолог
to define /di’fain/ определять
to claim /kleim/ заявлять
to term /tə:m/ называть
to accept /ək’sept/ принимать, соглашаться
acceptance /ək’septəns/ принятие
amateur /’æmətə/ любитель
to participate /pa:’tisipeit/ участвовать
payment /’peimənt/ оплата
lawyer /’lo:jə/ адвокат
to consider /kən’sidə/ рассматривать

Task 7. Translate the words/phrases into English without looking at the table.


принимать участие











Task 8. Complete the sentences with the words from the previous task.

  1. People get ________ for their occupations.
  2. The difference between a professional and an _________ is how they practise their jobs.
  3. Our society is studied by _________.
  4. People who study laws are called ___________.
  5. Lawyers _________ crimes.
  6. People who __________ in crimes are called criminals.
  7. If a person wants to become a professional, he or she must ________ different technological changes in their occupations.
  8. The 21st century is _________ as hi-tech century.
  9. A member of any occupation is _________ a professional.

Task 9. Read the text and complete it with the suggested words:

Professionalism (2 times), profession, professional


A profession is an occupation that requires extensive training and the study and mastery of specialized knowledge, and usually has a professional association, ethical code and process of certification or licensing. Examples are law, medicine, finance, the military, nursing, the clergy and engineering.

Classically, there were only four professions: the church, the military, medicine, and law. All these held a specific code of ethics, and members were almost universally required to swear some form of oath to uphold those ethics. Each ____________also provided and required extensive training in the meaning, value and importance of that oath in the practice of the profession.

Sociologists have been known to define ­________________ as self-defined power elitism or as organised exclusivity along guild lines, much in the sense that George Bernard Shaw characterised all professions as "conspiracies against the laity". Sociological definitions of _______________involving checklists of perceived or claimed characteristics (altruism, self-governance, esoteric knowledge, special skills, ethical behavior, etc.) became less fashionable in the late 20th century.

A member of a profession is termed a professional. However, __________is also used for the acceptance of payment for an activity, in contrast to amateur. A professional sportsperson, for example, is one who receives payment for participating in sport, but sport is not generally considered a profession.

Task 10. Make up sentences according to the example.

Example: Graduate from the University - you will get a diploma. – If you don’t graduate from the University, you won’t get a diploma.  

Get a diploma - you will find a job.

Practise your skills - you will become a professional.

A doctor gets a medicine license - he will be able to practise.

People of many professions get accreditations - they will not be forbidden to work by law.

Task 11. Read the text and answer the question Why do people work? Find as many reasons as possible (your ideas are welcome).

Why do people work?

So, in our society, is MONEY the NUMBER ONE reason for working!!!???A lot of people might agree with this statement, but is money the main reason why so many people spend so much of their time working?
Surely does work give us other things as well as money?
Go back to your farm for a second... and think of all the things you would have to do for yourself. What would happen if, for example, you weren't able to repair your hand-plough if it broke down?
Now, some other farmers probably discovered that they were particularly good at repairing broken down ploughs, and when everyone found this out, they all would ask this farmer to repair theirs. Soon a thriving business had been set up-ploughs repaired in exchange for corn, or milk or rugs or any other thing the repairer needed.
Pretty soon, other people began specialising in all sorts of things, and they didn't have to worry about doing everything for themselves, as they were able to trade their special skills for the things they wanted.
So, the main reason why "work'' exists today is since we cannot possibly do everything for ourselves, we get other people to do things for us, and pay them for their work. In order to do that, we must also do things for other people so that we can earn money.
Think of everything you do-all of it costs money. Electricity isn't free, nor is water, food, housing, clothing, etc. So, we appear to be back at the point again where money is still the MAIN REASON for working, but now probably not in the original way you were thinking.
In fact, although money might appear to be the main reason for working, it isn't always the main "thing" people get from their job.
In fact, many people stay in low paid jobs because they get a lot of personal satisfaction from other aspects of those jobs.

Task 12. Divide the reasons into the suggested categories.

Skills, knowledge Satisfaction Character of a person Freedom at work Chance of promotion Social security Your life style Feeling of power


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