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Can, could, may, might, should, must

must/mustn't is stronger that should/shouldn't:

You must take your passport when you travel abroad, (obligation)

/ think it's going to rain. You should take an umbrella, (advice)

5. Write the sentences, choosing one of the modals:

1 We are leaving tonight, so you (should/must) buy a ticket for the flight. – We are leaving tonight, so you must buy a ticket for the flight.

2 (May/Might) I come in?

3 David (can/could) cook well when he wants to.

4 'Do you think it (can/might) rain?'

'Yes, possibly. We don't want to get wet so I think we (should/must) take our raincoats.'

5 Jenny tried to carry him but she {can't/couldn't).

6 We (can/might) visit my cousin in Australia next year but we don't know yet.

7 In many countries, you {should/must) wear a seat belt in the car - it's the law.

8 (Can/May) you hold this for me, please?

9 I know they enjoy their work but they (shouldn't/'mustn't) work at the weekends. It's not good for them. I think they (should/must) spend time at home with their families.

10 The letter (can/may) arrive tomorrow.

6. Complete the sentences with can, could, may, might, should or must in the positive or negative:

1 Richard's only three but he can swim very well.

2 You've had that headache for two days. I think you … go to the doctor.

3 I don't think we … go to the beach because it … rain this afternoon.

4 I lived in Germany as a child so I … speak German then but I … speak it now.

5 You … remember to take your passport tomorrow.

6 … you close the door, please?

7 We … move house next year but we're not sure yet.

8 Passengers … smoke when the plane is taking off.

9 I think you … play tennis with Sally - she … play really well.

10 'Do you think I … learn some Portuguese before I go to Brazil?'

'Yes, that would be a good idea.'

11 We … remember to pay this bill before the weekend - it's very important. If we don't, we'll have no electricity.

12 I know you like sugar but you … eat quite so much - it's bad for you.

13 I'll be at work on Saturday so I'm afraid I … come to the football match with you.

14 I was listening very carefully but I … hear what she said.

15 They don't like living in the countryside - it's too quiet. I think they … move back to the city but they don't agree.

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