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In your notebook, make ten questions from the box below, and give the answers

Who Why When Where What What time How How much are you going? did they leave? is she talking to? did they come here? are you looking at? did it cost?

Example: Why did they leave?

Because they wanted to catch the train.

Who asked you? Who did you ask? – Question words used as subject or object

Who drove the car?

Who did you see?

What happened?

What did you do?

who and what are sometimes the subject.

who and what as subject + verb:

Alison asked you. Who asked you? Alison.

NOT Who did ask you!

who and what are sometimes the object.

who and what as object + question form of verb:

You asked Steve. Who did you ask? Steve.

• Who stayed with you?

but Who did Jane stay with? (Preposition at the end.)

Write the questions.

1 Who came to see you? Simon came to see me.

2 Who did Julie meet last night? Julie met Barbara.

3 What… you… reading? I like reading novels.

4 Who ……? Joe made the cake.

5 Who ……? Helen found the car keys.

6 What ……? A cigarette started the fire.

7 What … you …? I want some help.

8 Who … you? Caroline told me.

9 Who … with Paul? Sue stayed with Paul.

10 What …you …? I said nothing.

11 Who ……? David came with Mary.

12 What … you …? I study medicine.

13 Who ……? Linda lives with her parents.

14 Who ……? Greg opened the door.

15 What ……? Something terrible happened.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 657 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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