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VOCABULARY. Surprisingly – удивительно, поразительно; неожиданно

Surprisingly – удивительно, поразительно; неожиданно

steppe – степь nomadic tribes - кочевые племена

the Great Trade Route - великий торговый путь

inseparable – неотделимый, неразрывный

diplomatic embassies – дипломатические посольства

machine tool – станок

educational establishment – учебное заведение

Samara Bearing ['beεriŋ] Plant - подшипниковый завод

extracting, processing and transporting of oil - производство, переработка и перевозка нефти

a long fringe of sandy beaches - длинная кромка песчаных пляжей

to make the most of – использовать наилучшим образом

popular tourist destination – популярное туристическое направление

take a dip in - окунуться (в реку, море)

hang out - обитать; тусоваться (где-л.)

As many as - целые, целых (при указании на число)

to rescue - спасать

prove too much – оказаться не по зубам

Barge Haulers on the Volga – картина «Бурлаки на Волге»

the Samara Bend National Park - Национальный парк «Самарская Лука»

raft trip - спуск на плотах

hydrofoil – судно на воздушной подушке

backwaters – заводь

Museum of Local History – краеведческий музей

1. Fill in suitable words:

1. Samara is situated on *** **** ** the Volga, the longest river in Europe.

2. According to one *******, the name Samara comes from the Greek words samar (a merchant) and rha (an ancient name for the Volga).

3. By the beginning of the 19th century Samara has ***** into a large **** for that time.

4. He ********** the building of the Drama Theatre, the opening of the Public Museum, the ********* of the fund of the Public Library.

5. Government ************, diplomatic embassies and industrial plants were evacuated here.

6. The products of many *********** in Samara are widely known abroad, including those of the Aviacor Company, the Tarasov Factory, the Samara Bearing Plant and other ***********.

7. The Samara Region exports ***********, machine *****, and building materials.

8. The Samara State University was ***** in 1918, then ****** in 1920’s and ****** again in 1969.

9. Today 11 higher state and a number of alternative educational ************** train specialists in all ******** of the national industry, economy and culture.

10. If you are ******* ** Samara for a few days, you’ll have no difficulty in finding where to go and what to see.

11. We have a ***** Theatre, ***** *** ****** Theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the Philarmonic Society and a fine ******* ******* Museum.

12. There is a long fringe of ***** ******* there.

13. Samara has made *** **** ** these beaches, backed by pleasant parks and ********** *******.

14. It is not surprising that this has become a popular ******* ***********.

15. Young people come here from all over Russia to ******** on the beaches, **** * *** in the cool waters of the Volga, **** *** by summer cafes or ** *** a wild night out in one of the city's many night-clubs.

16. If you come here on the first Saturday of July, you will catch the famous Grushinsky Festival, with its lively mix of mainly ******** *****.

17. The Grushinsky Festival began in the 1960s and is ***** ***** the Samara tourist Valery Grushin, who tragically drowned in 1967 trying to ****** children in a river.

18. You can always ***** the ********* ** the river to the pleasant, atmospheric village of Shiryaevo where Russia's greatest ******* Ilya Repin painted his famous Barge Hauliers on the Volga.

2. Give English equivalents to the following words and collocations:

Побережье Черного моря; самая длинная река в Европе; берег Волги; мэр Самары; народный музей; публичная библиотека; дипломатическое посольство; эвакуировать; образовательное учреждение; полоска песчаных пляжей; симпатичные парки и сады набережной; популярное у туристов место; использовать пляжи наилучшим образом; загорать на пляжах; окунуться в прохладные воды Волги; проводить время в летних кафе; Грушинский фестиваль; тонуть; судно «Метеор»/»Ракета»; живописец; отправиться на прогулку/в путешествие; Национальный парк «Самарская Лука»; театр драмы, переправа на плоту, театр оперы и балета, краеведческий музей, спасать детей, целых 200 000 человек.

3. Finish the sentences:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 298 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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